Friday, April 4, 2014

Poor Little House of Representative Moran Complaining About his Paycheck

       Hello, I know that there is a lot of important things happening like issues with the Russians, Iran, and some other things.  I have not been blogging about those issues because it is the same thing over and over again.  Russians and the U.S. have always been on a tightrope, they are always going to find something to argue about like Syria, Iran, and now Siberia.  The point is that they should both not be meddling in other peoples business in which both countries have still yet to learn.

      Anyways, this conversation is going to be about a dear little representative who has panties in a bunch over the salary he makes in Congress.  Dear little Jim Moran a Democratic Representative from Virginia is complaining about his salary.  Well I think 174,000 dollars is enough for you to live off of because normally they have other practices they all had other occupations before this.  

      In addition, being a Congressman was not suppose to be a career it was suppose to be a temporary thing.  However, today politicians staff in office for long periods of time and they dictate what goes on every year.  Congressmen and women should have term limits to prevent the government from gaining so much power.  Term limits need to be established so that people still have a voice about other real problems.  Instead of debating abortion and death penalty you should be focused on bringing jobs back to Americans.  

     I guarantee that if we had term limits half of the crap that has been passed would not have been passed. Like the healthcare law because the majority of the people opposed then they would have listened and vetoed.  Furthermore, Obama would be impeached by now because of the countless violations he has committed against the constitution in regards to what he can do within his presidential powers.

    Lastly, if there were term limits then we would not have the same debates over the same issues that are not necessary.  Instead we would have debates on how to solve the real problems that are occuring at the moment that are affecting everybody.