Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Businesses do not create jobs?

Hello all,  the topic for today is the Jeb Bush and Hilary Clinton fiasco.  During a speech Clinton had told people that business does not create jobs.  However, businesses are the ones who create jobs and so does government.  Jeb Bush had pointed out that there are not enough jobs being created.  This can apply to government and businesses, but private business are the ones who hire the most people out of any sector.  They are the ones who need the workers, but jobs are not being created because the economy is still a bit rocky.  In addition, people are being more careful about their money because they do not want to suffer like they did in 2008 and in 2001.  Therefore, people are spending less so businesses do not need to hire as many people. 

The government needs to provide an incentive for businesses to bring business back into the states to create jobs.  Businesses have to think about cost-effectiveness or prices are going to increase if they are not cost-effective.  If it was cost-effective for businesses to bring their factories back to America then they would hire more people, but until then they will keep it in other countries for cheaper labor.