Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Starbucks CEO = Stupid

Hello all, so today I am going to blog about the CEO of Starbucks acting like an arrogant little jerk.  Let me sum up the article on FOX news about this little CEO.  Schultz the CEO, has written a letter to gun owners telling them that guns are unwelcome, but they are not going to ban the guns in the store.  Furthermore, he told them that he does not want a mass shooting taking place in his stores so that is why he claims they are unwelcome.

Well, I think that he is blaming the wrong people because rarely has the accused in massive shootings has had the privilege of owning a gun because they were seen as not fit to carry a gun.  Like the township shooter, the Tucson shooter, and various others.  Why do people feel the need to punish legal gun owners. They are not the problem, the problem is those that come across gun illegally and obtain them to do harm.  Your drug traffickers, gang members and leaders, and those that are mentally unstable.  

In the end, IF PEOPLE WANT TO HARM OTHERS THEY WILL FIND ANY NECESSARY MEANS!!!  Guns are not the only weapon of choice if it was then it would be the only weapon of use.  It may be the majority used weapon, but that is because it is less personal and less messy.  We should be happy that mass shootings is a rare thing and that we do not have car bombs.  This world is never going to be perfect, so stop thinking it is if we get rid of gun rights.  Who is going to fight the government when the government becomes tyrannical?  Gun owners will.