Saturday, September 15, 2012

Anti-American Protests across the Middle East and Parts of Africa

I am not at all surprised at the amount of protesting happening across the Middle East and parts of Africa.  These are extremists and they do not represent the majority of the people in their nations (maybe a couple).  They are not going to stop and there is going to be no way to appease them.  Some of the governments are not going to help the US out and we should not expect them to.  The reason we should not expect them to is simple, its because they care more about the attacks on their religion then anything else.

However, I hate the fact that our Americans have to suffer abroad because of stupid Americans here, that made the video.  Do they realize the lives that are at stake?  I bet they are not protesting the embassies strictly because of that, I bet some of them are using it as an excuse so they could kill some Americans.  However, the point is that I am not surprised that this has happened.  We have embassies located in countries that one month support America and another month oppose America.  

Another issue is Iranian protests against America.  Remember we have to take those protests with a grain of salt.  Those people are in a midst of turmoil themselves.  Iranian media only wants to show us the parts that they feel are fine.  The Iranians are upset with their government and are trying to find ways to protest and defy the government.  Ayatollah Khamenei and Ahmadinejad are doing a very fine job in suppressing them because they are worried that they will go into civil war like Syria.  

I am appalled at the fact that Americans lives have been taken, but then again that is part of reality.  All I want to conclude with is that these protests are going to happen again and again. There are countries and groups of people that do not like America and the Americans inside and we have to learn to cope with that.  On the other hand, we cannot let them push us around and apologizing to them for us being Americans is not right.  

Side note: Maybe the next time America decides to help a group against their government, we should have stipulations for after they win and establish a new government.  On the other hand, just not help.