Saturday, September 8, 2012

Election 2012 and Post -Election

So I just realized that I have not posted on this blog since June.  I have been a bit preoccupied with work, school, and Iran.  

This photo combo shows President Obama in Chapel Hill, N.C. on April 24, and Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney on April 18, in Charlotte, N.C.
I have decided that I am going to blog about this lovely thing called the Election of 2012.  Contenders Romney vs. Obama.  This election is extremely crucial because we will get an idea of how Americans feel about dear President Obama.  Also we will see how Romney is going to do in the election as well.  I think that both of the candidates have a lot of schmoozing to do to the American public.  They have to do a lot of schmoozing because the American people are upset and they are sick of the way things are going with the country (I talk as if I am an outsider).  I know that I am one unhappy American to some degree and I will let you know why in a minute.  Romney has to be able to persuade women, minorities, and to some degree religious minorities to vote for him.  Obama really just needs to let the people know that he is going to fulfill his promises if he is elected.  

A part of me is pessimistic and believes that Obama will win, maybe not easily.  So you now see my bias and that is okay.  All I got to say that if Obama wins I hope that he will cooperate a little more with the opposing party and they do the same.  Romney, now if he gets elected I believe that he will have the ability to work with the Democrats.  I say this because people forget that he is a bit more liberal the most Republicans.  For instance, the healthcare bill that got passed for the nation actually used ideas from the one that he help make in Massachusetts.  He worked with the Democrats in his state and I believe that he could do it if he were to win.

Okay so now onto the other part of this post, Post-election.

So there are key issues that Obama or Romney are going to have to deal with. 
Lovely Iran

  This is important because Iran is getting pretty brave with this whole mining the strait and what not.  If they do mine the strait (which is international waters) that is considered an act of war, no matter what reason they do it for.  That means that the UN is going to have to do something about it or a coalition of countries are going to need to do something about it. 


Lovely Israel 

Now Israel, I think that they are going to attack Iran, but I still hope negotiations will work.  However, the thought of Iran with nukes or nuclear power is still risky.

The Economy

Yes that issue does still exist and it will for awhile.  The economy needs to pick up.  I am down for bringing jobs back to America, but remember things will be a bit more pricier because the objects are made in America.  So you better buy them or the jobs will go back to another country where there is cheap labor.

Issue of Polarization between the Conservatives an the Liberals

This is a big one because are wonderful Congress and the President need to work together.  Both sides need to understand that you are not going to get all that you want and the opposition is not going to let you get everything you want.  Think about life, you will never get everything you want, that is reality.  However, it is not just their fault for the lack of compromise.  It is the American public because they are divided so Congress is divided.  The American public needs to also learn that they are not going to get everything they want, a reality that needs to be recognized.  Politicians in Congress are so worried about getting re-elected that they do not want to compromise on the big issues and this is hurting America. Stop making politics a career, if you do not get re-elected then at least you will remember that you did your job and your constituents will see that the decision was a good or bad one in the future.

Compromise and a better economy is going to be key to sustaining this country.  Our dear Founding Fathers knew that factions were going to be a problem and it is a very big problem now.

I had a little fun with pics, there are a lot of battles.