Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Abortion, it seems to become an issue in every election.  Well, I am sick of it and truly I am sick of it.  I personally do not support abortion, but what gives me the right to tell someone what to do with their body.  If complications occur during or after the abortion, then that is something that they will have to temporarily live with or permanently live with for the rest of their lives.  

I know that my Christian friends are going to hate me for saying this and claim that I am not a real Christian, but in reality it is not my right to tell them how they want to deal with their body.  Now if I get engaged in a debate about abortion I will let them know how I feel and I will let them explain to me how they feel about it.  However, I feel that the abortion argument is dead and we do have laws that would explain all the consequences and when it is not allowed to have an abortion and so forth.  

I get so sick of it being brought up and I figure this that God will be the judge.  Americans need to understand that we are going to disagree and we live in a nation where we are allowed to have different view points.  If you can't live with that you picked the wrong nation to live in.  America is divided and both sides need to start making concessions or we are going to be in a stalemate.

Americans and American government leaders wake up and realize that both sides need to compromise.  We live in a nation where one side of the spectrum is going to win or lose all.  Start making compromises or the nation will deteriorate.