Friday, October 10, 2014

China Believes that Protestors are Influenced by Britain and United States

Hello, it has been awhile since I have posted. I have found an interesting article regarding the protesting in China.

As some of you may know China has been experience protesting in regards to democracy.  The people want democracy rather then communism.  I do not think that America and Britain is behind the protesting.  I think that the people are tired of being controlled by a government who restricts expression and speech that does not align with the values of communism. 

The Communist party controls the media and controls the internet.  The people have no ability to express their concerns to the government through speech or through the media. They are tired of being oppressed therefore they have resulted to protesting.  

Protesting is their only means to get the message heard and it expands media coverage worldwide. It is difficult to supress or imprison a large group of people who have gained the attention of the world.  Therefore this protects them from obtaining the maximum harm that a government could do like massive killing or massive imprisonment.  They could do all those things if it was a smaller group who could not influence media attention like they have done before. 

All in all, just because these people are protesting the government does not mean that countries are funding them.  They want more freedom.