Saturday, January 21, 2017

The Failure of Americans and America

Hello I know it has been awhile, but there are just some things that need to be discussed regarding my lovely nation and those that occupy this nation.  There are several issues with America that Americans will need to solve to accomplish and make things better.

  1.  Stop acting like the news media is your source for correct information on politics and laws.  You need to do the research yourself to make an informed decision as the media does not present all the facts and all the interpretations. Furthermore, the news media is heavily biased and they cannot be trusted.  There are people who should not be office, but are because Americans only pay attention when it is an election year and do not research. 
  2. Remembering that the news media is a business not an organization.  News media makes money off selling news about horrible things because they know that Americans are emotional creatures who can be swayed through emotions rather than facts and common sense.  They need to make a profit and good news does not sell.  For instance, our troops were helping locals rebuild town and cities in Iraq, but only bloodshed was published on our media.
  3. Videos and memes posted about political candidates, parties, and laws.  Those generally are coming from a biased individual and those cannot be used to stay informed.  Only researching yourself will make you better informed.  
  4. Identifying by the color of our skin.  Racism is still a problem because there are parents teaching their kids that the color of our skin is important and the color of someones skin tells who that individual.  BAD TEACHING!! We should not teach children how to identify people by the color of their skin because this leads to racism.  When the outside world looks at us they see United State citizens as Americans therefore we should all see ourselves as Americans.  There is nothing wrong with identifying with your ethnicity (like practicing traditions of the country your family came from, teaching the language of your former country, and etc.)    However, the only way to quell racism is to stop judging someone based on the color of their skin and stop teaching to hate  different types of skin.  
  5. Education system. Our education system terrible.  We need to do a revamp of the system to make ourselves more competitive with countries like Japan.  Also make the parents responsible to some degree for not having education as priority for their children. Many parents want to blame the school and teachers (sometimes they are the problem) for the reason their child is failing rather than looking at themselves.  It is your job as a parent to make sure that the children get the support and our being disciplined to succeed in school and life. If they do not succeed then you are partially responsible.  
There are many other issues in our country, but many of those problems can be solved with making informed decisions and presenting solutions (i.e. homelessness, crime, and etc.) However, those 5 issues are critical to our nation.  Many of our issues can begin to be resolved through the American populace.  Protestors in the 1950s and 1960s were able to succeed with Civil Rights because they had informed individuals leading the people (like Martin Luther King Jr.) they were able to inform them that peaceful protests can change the circumstances and can change the laws.  Also they informed them why it was important to make this change.  Rioting and destroying property will not help a cause, but make people turn their heads because all they see is a bunch of adults taking their rage out on innocent people properties.