Friday, October 21, 2011

Occupy Wallstreet Post Again

I know that I have posted a lot on this subject and if you read the previous it will say a lot of things I said before, but there are some new ideas that I have learned over the days. I guess I keep writing because it is my way of making my voice to be heard or at least seem to be heard. I am currently jobless and I do not blame corporations for the problems that I have. I blame government fro some problems, but not anything directly related to me.

So I listen to all the news that is going on about Occupying Wall Street, also comments from my professor, and my fellow students and there is one common theme. The common theme is that most people that are protesting do not even know why they are doing it Another theme is that they just want to be part of a part of a movement. I thought that it was a good thing that my professor pointed out and I have been saying this is my other posts is that you are protesting the very corporation that gives you a job. The very corporation that supplies the cell phone that you use and the service that you use to make that phone work. One of my classmates pointed out is that he sees these people protesting, but they are sending text messages on their Iphones. Does that make any sense? He used that as reasoning, that there is a lot of misplaced anger.

Now according to the news, is that one third of the protestors want socialism. Do you think socialism is the answer and do you think it is compatible to the American Constitution? First of all Socialism is not the answer because in the future it will have long term effects that we are not going to be able to handle in the future. Secondly, the federal government would undermine the states rights. Thirdly, we would have to give up some rights to make Socialism possible. One of those rights would be the pursuit of happiness because the government would limit our choices in some areas of our lives. I know this because when I was looking for colleges in Europe I noticed that you have to take an English proficiency exam. This effectively eliminates those that have not learned English and already decides how far they can pursue their education in that country.

Us, Americans, tend not to be too fond of people that think they can decide our futures for us. So socialism will not work for us because we have way different mindsets. The other question that I had, is do you think it will be compatible with our Constitution? AND that is a big fat NO because are Constitution was not developed to ensure that everyone has the same outcomes in life or equality financially. Instead, are Constitution provides us with the ability to have the same starting point and more than ever that is true today. I say this because we did not use to have grants be given out to people to go to college or student loans to help college students pay for college. We are more than ever given the opportunity to go above and beyond expectations. I also think that people forget that education is a privilege here in America. You have to be able to want to be educated. That leads me to my next point.

Another lovely thing that protestors want is that education should be guaranteed through college. However, that should not happen because of the problems in secondary education. First, there is already enough people that take advantage of the public education system. People ditch school, get poor grades, or drop out. Why should a professor be obligated to teach some of those people that do not want to learn. Granted, there are still those that fail classes in college these days because they do not want to learn. Instead, they want to waste tax payers dollars to sit in class and fail. Secondly, if there was an increase in supply for workers , but not enough jobs, what would happen? There would not be enough jobs in the specialized areas, half of the people would still end up working at McDonald's for the rest of their lives. Finally, the incentive to earn great grades would go down. The smart students might not feel like being the best to succeed at school. They would lose incentives.

I think the Occupy Wall Street is full of people that want to blame others for their problems. It is not a movement because the people are not united and there is simply not a majority of people. They feel like a majority, but they are not. I think that there are other people to blame for the problems that we are having and one of them is the Federal Government. They have not been doing their job to get things done. Obama and Congress barely started to focus on the job issue because he is facing reelection and he wants to win. Even Republicans have an upward battle to face because these days we do not know where the majority is going to shift their support to.

I believe that the people that do run the corporations do deserve their pay because they work hard to get their and to stay in that position. People wonder why they get bonuses and sometimes they get it because they met a goal that they had to meet. If all those people that were protesting corporations were in their shoes they would not being doing it because they have money. You earn what you work. How much you get paid depends on the skill level that you have in that area or if it requires no skills at all. Not everyone can run a business or develop computer chips.