Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wall Street

I am really disappointed with Americans, I believe that we are moving in a direction that is far from the Constitution. Maybe it is time for a new one that lets the Socialist win, so they can see how it will fail. The majority of the people are just falling the stuff they see on TV, they do not reasearch anything. Well, maybe some do. The do not bother to look deeper into the issues and see both sides.

I am happy that the American Gove
rnment was formed the way it was because it prevents idiots that let the media influence them from gaining control. IF they did have the ability to gain control it would be tyranny of the majority. It would kind of be like Iran. One week they enforce a law and than they stop enforcing it the next week. If America ran like that we would be in chaos.

Majority of the people protest
ing, I guarantee, have not taken an economics class and does not know how it works. They do not understand that corportations are the ones that give them the jobs and not the government. IF they regulated the businesses more and taxed them hire then there would be less jobs.

Clearly, it has been proven that Capitalism works, we have been running a capitalistic system since the country was born. It has shown that corporations hire more people then anything else. The government sucks at paying its employees except
their are great benefits. The government has no right to take ownership of a company, that is violating their rights to private property.

Americans need to understand that corporations are private businesses and the government can only tax them. Now if taxes increase than less jobs will be around because they do not have the money to pay for more people. If corporations get increased regulation than more people will lose their jobs.

The solution is to deregulate and not increase taxes, more jobs will be created.

You know the president ask the rich, how much money do you need to live? However, maybe we should decrease your pay to 100,000 every year. You ask this question, but according to the Constitution we have the right to private property, pursue happiness, and liberty. We have the freedom to make as much money as we want and prevent the government from taking away property. We have the right to have success or failure. The Constitution allows Equal Opportunity, but in order to go where you want to go you need to work for what you want in life. IF you do not work for what you want than you do not deserve it. That is how America operates and how it will continue to work.

I work hard every single day to get good grades to get a degree. Eventually, get a high paying job. I work for what I want and others in America should do the same.

If you do not want to work for what you want than stay on government assistance or get the hell out of the country. Go to a country where it is mandatory that businesses shut down for an hour. Go to a country where they pay you since the day that you were born, go there. If you do not like America than leave!!!

You say that you want corporations to come back to America, but you want tax them. Well, if you tax them more they are not going to come back to America. They need incentives to come back to America and taxing them is not going to be one of them.