Saturday, November 9, 2013

People will Find a Way to Obtain a Firearm

Hello, I know that bringing up guns again is old news.  However, I am getting my Master's in Criminal Justice and in a book I am reading for my class I came across a quote, "It found that firearm violence was strongly correlated with economic inequality, even when poverty and access to firearms were controlled (Vold, 2010, p. 105).  What this quote is saying that homicide for economic gain and the use of firearms is still prevalent. 

What I got from this quote is that no matter how much regulation is put into firearm sales, a person that intends to do harm will find a way and means to do so.  You might see a spike in poisoning, knifing, or bludgeoning, but guns will still be used as the primary object for killing.  Do you want to know why police look at families and friends during a murder investigation?  Well, because it is usually someone that they know.  Stranger homicides are less frequent.  For example, say a daughter wants to kill her mother because her mother disapproves of her boyfriend.  To make the murder less personal and messy she is likely going to use a gun.  Then probably make it look like it was a robbery. 

Politically and socially people want to get rid of the rights to carry firearms, but it is usually those that cannot obtain a weapon legally that become in possession of a firearm and use it to commit a crime.