Saturday, February 1, 2014

Threats of Civil Disobedience by Environmentalists

I was waiting for the Keystone Pipeline issue to resurface and it has!!!!!
Of course we all know that the environmentalists are opposed to it because they do not want harm to come to the vegetation and the animals. Proponents for the Pipeline want to create jobs and be less dependent on imported oil.  Oh America and the first world problems we encounter.  
The Environmentalists forget one thing, what creates revenue? Oh right, money and jobs.  What funds the Envrionmental Protection Agency?  Once again revenue, we need jobs to create revenue.  Unfortunately, the next thing to scientists to be cut is the EPA because they are just an extracurricular branch like NASA.  What makes them think that they are saved from having their funds cut like NASA?  

Those oil rig jobs might help sustain the EPA, you never know. 

I forgot about my civil obedience.  I wonder what those environmentalists would use to create civil disobedience.  Destroy the environment by breaking windows and destroying property?  Which all contribute to the environment they want to save because if anybody wants to rebuild they are going to have to manufacture the necessary equipment. Unless they are just going to be throwing their recycled shoes at people.