Saturday, January 25, 2014

Sinless in a world of Sin

Hello, how are you all today?  
Yes I have not posted for awhile, but that is because Grad School is kicking my butt and having a full-time job.  

Well, this post is different from my usual political posts because in this post I will be talking about sin.  Right now there is this concept that has been bugging me for quite sometime and that is idea of being sinless.  Well, like I said on a status on facebook.  Being sinless is not possible, we commit sins when we are in sleep, we are committing a sin every minute of the day possibly every second of the day.  The only thing that we can do is try to become better human beings and be better in the eyes of the Lord.  Why else do you think Jesus died for our sins?  He died because God knew that we were going to continue committing sins regardless of the sacrifices to him, so he had his son sacrificed as the ultimate sacrifice.  We can become better in the eyes of the Lord, but remember we will never be sinless.  As long as you have faith in the Lord and believe Jesus died for your sins you will go to heaven.

Extreme Christians bother me because they think they have the right to judge and the right to dictate the lives of others.  They are no better then the fundamentalists of other religions, they seek power and control.  You do not have the right to tell someone else to live.  You can educate them on the consequences of their actions, but you have no right to judge or tell them what to do.  

Much less do you have the right to force people to conform to your ways. 

I am a Christian and I am far from perfect.  I do not seek perfection, but I do seek to improve myself every single day.  The reason so many people get drawn away from religion is because people attempt to force others to think and act like them.  However, those that attempt to force others to change their lives or judge them all the time are the biggest hypocrites. I have learned that fundamentalists are the biggest hypocrites.  God is merciful, just, and loves everyone despite their sinful ways.  Why can't other do the same in this world? Oh right, sin. However, we can try to love our neighbors a little bit more.  

That is what I love about Christian Reformed (follow Calvinism theology), in their doctrine for the church they tell you to love everyone and treat them the same despite the differences.  Whether they are homosexual or have children out of wedlock.  Now granted many people still do not want to accept, but they should try harder to be more accepting. You do not have to accept their actions, but they are human and sinful like others.  

You judge them because they sin differently then you do.