Monday, February 2, 2015

Sex Offenders Video

Hello to everyone

So I have not been blogging for awhile due to school and working, but I hope everyone is doing well.  

So I am going to start off by telling you that I am going to school for my Master's in Criminal Justice and currently I am taking a class called 'Sex Offenders and Sex Crimes."  This is a really interesting class because you learn from the views of offenders and victims.  In addition, history and society views.  

For my class this week our professor assigned us to watch a video called "Our America-State of Sex Offenders (Lisa Ling)

This video highlights the issues of victims and mostly sex offenders.  It was a very powerful film about sex offenders must live in Florida.  That some of these laws are ways to keep people in prison or to keep them away from society in the woods.  

There are always going to be criminals re-offending and it happens to be that sex offenders are the ones to be the least worried about and if you want me to provide you sources, I can provide that to you.  These laws seem to be doing more harm than good.  Lastly, it is those who have not been caught are the ones that are the most concern.

I encourage you to watch this video to open your eyes.  I have been a victim myself, but I do not let that dictate my logic.  These offenders are humans too and they should not have to live in the woods to survive, they should be able to find employment and housing too.  If they cannot then the state needs to build homes to help them live and get back on their feet.