Friday, March 27, 2015

Angola Blood Diamonds

Hello, it has been awhile since my last post.  So my blog post for today is about Blood Diamonds.  Information that I have read about comes from the above link from BBC News and opinions are from myself.  It has been reported that the United States is Angola's second trader and the first is China.  The United States obviously gets some oil and definitely diamonds.  Therefore, the United States government ignores the problem that is occurring in that country as well as international organizations.  There are over 90% of the people living in the slums in Angola.

While the majority of the country is poor the rich are enjoying their lives.  There is no middle class in Angola, only poor and rich. These people cannot even afford watermelons ($100) or chicken ($200) because it is too expensive.  The only thing that is reasonably priced is beer which is under a dollar.  The government figures that alcohol and offering free entertainment will keep them from revolting.  So far it is working, they will offer free things (exception of food) before a schedule protest and then it suddenly turns pro-government.  

These people should raise in mass to fight against there government. Somehow they should either gather weapons or seek help from the international community.  However, the government is killing and imprisoning the people who protest, but the only way things are going to change is if lives are sacrificed for the greater good.

Lastly, our dear government should think about doing something either by being vocal or cutting down trade.  If President Obama is all about helping other people and being vocal about injustice then he needs to be vocal against Angola.  On the other hand, trade is more important to the United States then being vocal against that type of government.  Something needs to be done.