Friday, February 18, 2011

I love my PC

There are many debates on whether a PC or MAC is better. I have just read a series of articles on the matter, but I have found that they do not answer the question very well. I guess it is good to hear from my experiences on PC and MACs.
I remember when my friend got her first laptop and it was a MAC. I thought the computer was very interesting, but not enough for me to want to buy it. I just was not interested at all, I thought that it was cool because the keys would light up, but that was it.
Then I decided to buy a laptop and it was a Toshiba, I loved my Toshiba. It had a nice big screen and the numerical pad, perfect for gaming. I also loved that I can control certain things. Like I was able to set up when I want to update my computer and what anti-virus program was best for me. I was also able to fix my computer very easily and I was definitely not careless with it. For instance, I did not download Limewire or any of that illegal stuff. HINT things that you should not have on your computer can be very bad. I found out that the music files that get transferred could have a trojan horse or malware in the file. Trust me I had to help a couple people fix their computers because of it.
Later on, after about two years my computer got stolen, so I had to buy a new one and it was a Gateway. At first I did not like the Gateway because while I was playing the game, suddenly the game would turn off or freeze. I thought that it was a computer issue, but no it was the fact that the game was not compatible with Windows Vista. So when I downloaded the newer game Sims 3, then it worked just fine. I also found that Microsoft offers a free anti-virus and malware protection service called Microsoft Security Essentials and it works very well. I have never had a virus with this computer and there has not been any problems with Vista. The only problems that I had was the CD drive, but that is a Gateway issue not a Microsoft Windows issue.

I think that the solution is to this debate is to look at the PC users, are they taking care of the computer. Some people do not take care of the computers and as a result the computer crashes or gets a virus. I have had this computer for three years and I have taken great care of this computer and it works just fine. It may get a little rough at sometimes, but then I just restart it and put it in safemode to find the problem before running to Bestbuy.

I have no problems with MACs, they are nice computers. However, I much prefer the PC over the MAC. I just like them and I have played around with MACs they are just not as appealing and I do not wish to pay over one thousand dollars for a computer.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Today while singing at church, I kept thinking about singing. How is it that so many of the people have a singing voice?
I think that the reason that so many people can sing is because God. God wants us to praise him through singing and worshiping him. He gave many of us with a blessed voice, I do not think that I have a very nice voice, but I do not care because I am praising the Lord. I love praising God and having a great time with people that believe in him too!!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Creation of Eve and Extraction of a Rib from Adam

Adam was the first man created by God, we all know that right? God did not want Adam to be alone so he created a woman to be his helper on this earth that God just created.
There is a controversy in the creation of woman. Did he really create her using one of Adam's ribs or not? Well "Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man..."(Genesis 2:22). There can be a lot of possibilities towards this creation of woman.
The first option is that man may have had 25 ribs and when God took out the rib it became 24 ribs. As a result, both man and woman have the same amount ribs. It would have probably been a little weird to have 25 ribs with one side being unequal or not. I do not have a missing rib so I would not be able to tell you how it feels.
The second option is that he took a part of Adam that we have no idea about. In my study Bible the definition of a rib could mean from Adam's side, did not necessarily mean the rib, it could have been short for the side.
I still believe in the existence of God, there are so many possibilities. I find Genesis 1 and 2 sometimes very vague at times. There are so many possibilities on what certain words can mean.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

I just thought that it was very odd that an apple represents evil and good things. The evil thing that the apple represents is the fall of man. When the serpent entices Eve to eat from the forbidden tree. So she does, then she tells Adam to eat the apple. As a result, they see that they are naked and try to hide from God. They have become fallen and humans are now fallen. Now we have to experience the things that are good and evil instead of just being able to know what is good.

Another symbol that the apple represents is for teachers. They used to be given apples from students and now administrations give apple trophies to teachers fro being an excellent teacher. I remember one of my teachers getting an interview from a news station and one of the rewards was a trophy of an apple.

Does it not seem kind of weird how in some way they both represent some kind of knowledge being taught by someone and being learned from a student? The forbidden fruit came off a tree that was knowledge of good and evil. Now teachers are given trophy apples for being amazing teachers. I think that it is rather ironic how this came to be. Maybe they did it on purpose, maybe when the first schools came to being they saw it going it away from traditions and labeled it evil. Why couldn't the forbidden fruit be a mango or a pear? Why did artists use an apple to represent the fall of man? Was it the color? Why could they not use a plum? Does the name have something to do with the choosing of the apple? Why does the apple represent education? I am curious about why this is? Maybe I will try to find the answer. The apple seems to represent knowledge in both cases, but why does it have to the apple.

Another place that the apple is used was in Snow White to put her to sleep