Saturday, February 5, 2011

Creation of Eve and Extraction of a Rib from Adam

Adam was the first man created by God, we all know that right? God did not want Adam to be alone so he created a woman to be his helper on this earth that God just created.
There is a controversy in the creation of woman. Did he really create her using one of Adam's ribs or not? Well "Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man..."(Genesis 2:22). There can be a lot of possibilities towards this creation of woman.
The first option is that man may have had 25 ribs and when God took out the rib it became 24 ribs. As a result, both man and woman have the same amount ribs. It would have probably been a little weird to have 25 ribs with one side being unequal or not. I do not have a missing rib so I would not be able to tell you how it feels.
The second option is that he took a part of Adam that we have no idea about. In my study Bible the definition of a rib could mean from Adam's side, did not necessarily mean the rib, it could have been short for the side.
I still believe in the existence of God, there are so many possibilities. I find Genesis 1 and 2 sometimes very vague at times. There are so many possibilities on what certain words can mean.