Thursday, March 31, 2011

New York City, no sweats?

So here I am in New York City, one of the busiest places on earth. There are the benefits and there are the costs of living in this place. I love the fact that I can walk around and not see one person with the same ethnicity of the next person. That represents the American Dream, people coming from different countries to establish a better life. The American dream is not about becoming rich all the time, but making a new and better life. New York represents America in some ways. I love the fact that you can find different types of food and drink here more then anywhere else. New York is the melting pot of America. You even see Americans from other states flocking to New York City to live there, establish a new life in a city. You can meet all sorts of people here in this city.

However, I also see the costs and there are plenty of them for me. Now you readers are probably going to have different opinions and the way you want to live and that is fine. My preference for living is in Arizona, I love Arizona. Phoenix is wonderful and great and I love it more then New York City. I like the facts that the streets are not packed with tons of people. Although you have to drive everywhere I still love it. New York has the benefit of cheaper subway and you can walk anywhere. However, I love the openness of Arizona, I love being able to have fresh air, see mountains in the distance, drive by farmland. I love the facts that I can see the stars at night.

Also another thing is that people look at you differently if you wear sweats into a store. The workers there will pay no mind to you and they think that you are poor. I like the fact that I can go into a store in sweats and slippers and no one looks at you differently. You actually have to dress decently so that people will not look at you like you are poor.

New York is not for me and I know it and I can feel it. The city life is not the best place for me and everyone is different.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

America's Disappearing Constitution

Have you ever looked back into American history and ask yourself what is the difference between then and now? Well I have and I think that America is very different from what it used to be and what it is now. In the book A Conflict of Visions written by Thomas Sowell, he talks about the difference between the Constrained and Unconstrained visions. He begins with a definition of each of the visions. The Unconstrained Vision focuses on the results of decisions that have been made and the Constrained Vision focuses on the processes rather then the results.

During the French Revolution they were focused on the results of the revolution. They wanted to have everyone at the same and equal status of each other. In the end, there was much blood spilled because they were too focused on the results. The ends justify the means, that is what it sounds like to me. On the other hand, the American Revolution focused on the processes rather then the results. They made sure that everyone got equal rights, but how they used their rights depends on themselves. However, now we Americans are focusing too much on the results not the processes. We are beginning to desire to have everyone end the same, but that is not how the American Dream works or American Exceptionalism. What the American Dream is getting offered the same rights and opportunities and it is up to the individual to decide how they want to use it and if they use it. And if they do not have the money or are limited in opportunities to find alternatives. It is our responsibility to get to where we want to be not the governments. We should not blame other people that use the opportunities and it end up rich or living good.

Another way that America has changed since the beginning is that we depend on the government too much and play the blaming game. We blame the government, the institutions, and our families for the way that we are and how we act. This is another part of the unconstrained view, we focus too much on how we want to end up rather then on the process. Also we are not taking responsibility for our actions. The Unconstrained View does not allow the individual to take responsibility for their actions instead they blame it on the environment or the people surrounding the situation.

However, back in the day basically any man worked for himself and in the end it helped the society. Man is far from achieving perfection because of the limitations and that is another part of the Constrained View. Everyone had responsibilities to take care of their families, make sure they spent their money correctly, make sure that they went to work on time, make sure to go to college, make sure to get your job in the honest way. What happened to that? Well what happened is that people are driving away from the Constitution and wanting to become a Welfare State. They know if that happens then they do not need to take responsibility for their actions, they can just blame institutions and the government. People are going away from the Constitution because it requires too much responsibility.

The government and the people of America need to take responsibility for their lack of following the Constitution. Requiring the state to care for them when we are suppose to work for what we want. The government needs to be reeled in and the people need to begin to work for what they want. Both sides need to take responsibility for their actions and get it together.

The Constitution is relevant today, whether you like to believe it or not. IT is completely relevant. It made a tad vague for reason so that when the times changed it could apply to the present situations. The people need to realize that PROGRESS IS NOT ALWAYS GOOD, need to realize that the TRADITIONAL IS NOT ALWAYS BAD.

Wake up America!! The more you ask from the government, the more of your RIGHTS they shall take!! If we do not fight to go back to the Constitution then sometime the government and the people will fight each other in a civil war again. People are either going to be fighting to get rid of the Constitution in favor of a Welfare State like the European Union or fight for the PRESERVATION OF THE THE CONSTITUTION!!

I vote in favor of the Constitution