Thursday, June 28, 2012

Turning Point for the United States

The passage of the Health Care law is a turning point for the United States.  Many people will not believe what I am going to say will happen because for some reason some people are going to be blind to see the change occur. This is definitely a turning point because the Supreme Court has expanded the ability of the federal government to dictate our lives.  What I mean by this is that they have made the Elastic Clause in the Constitution stretch a bit farther and there is no going back unless the Supreme Court would decrease the stretch in which that will never happen.  The Elastic Clause allows the Congress to have more rights to carry out the powers that they were given.  Granted those laws have benefited us in certain ways and has definitely hurt us.  

The expansion of the Elastic Clause means that the government could do more to inhibit our freedoms.  Now of course a majority of Americans do not think about the Constitution or the Founders instead they think of the things they want from the federal government.  The federal government should do this for me and this.  Conservatives and Liberals both attempt to pass laws to limit what Americans do (I would show examples, but I just woke up, I will edit the blog later).  I do not know when Americans are going to wake up, the Founders would not want this wonderful country going the way it is.  The Founders intended the states to take care of its people, the federal government should have gave the states more money through a Block Grant to expand health care.  Yes, it is still the federal government, but the state government is way better at managing things like health care then the government because there is too much red tape in the federal government.  Health Care should be handled by the states because they are smaller and more manageable.  That is why "to some extent" it did work in Europe (I am really stretching with that example because the situation in Europe is bad not enough productivity and too many unnecessary benefits (Spain has 14 holiday weekends that start on weekdays and cities have their own holidays, at least one city is celebrating a holiday every week).

All I am saying is that we as Americans have to think about our freedoms and the Constitution.  Yes, there are things that I have benefited from the federal government, the federal government has done some really good things.  However, we have to be wary of what they are doing and make sure that they adhere to the Constitution. 

Sunday, June 24, 2012

American's Version of "Socialism"

I do not even know how to begin, I sat here for a bit trying to find out how to write this post.  That first sentence was the best way to start it haha.  Well, states and cities are now attempting to ban soft drinks in Massachusetts restaurants and New York City banned large soft drinks.  This is America's version of Socialism, right here.  Since America technically cannot become Socialistic the states and cities are going to do it themselves.  America cannot become socialistic because of the Constitution. Although are lovely federal government is attempting to tell us how to go about getting health insurance, charging if you did not get health insurance.  Also instituting a text ban across the nation, that is clearly the states obligation.  American government and the smaller governments want to dictate are lives, they want to force people to be the kind of normal that is seen in America.  You have to be a size 2 in order to be normal, you have to dress a certain to be normal, you have to get surgery if you want to look perfect, you have to be someone with a perfect record, you have to be someone that has never done anything wrong, and you just have to be like everyone else.  To me that is past Socialism and little bit towards Communism.

Pretty soon states and cities will ban everything that seen as unhealthy, that includes everything, ban books that talk about things are not normal and might hurt someones innocent, attempt to ban alcohol again, and ban other things.  The government fails to acknowledge the Constitution.  The state governments and cities think that they can dictate the way Americans do things, but let me tell you something Americans always have a way of sidestepping those laws and regulations.  You think that you are going to curb obesity by banning products, your wrong.  It is not going to curb it because people that are not obese are not going to be happy and we are Americans.  Americans will make sure that career politicians get out office and elect people that are not going act like dictators.

American Socialism was already to predicted to occur, it might not be so prevalent in the federal system, but it is in the states.  The states and cities do not realize that these bans that they have placed are actually violating federal laws because it is messing with commerce that occurs over state lines.  A mayor in California try to ban the use corn syrup in California a few years ago and the law got struck down by a federal court because it affected commerce interstate, in which it violates federal law. When New York and Massachusetts are sued that will lose in court   

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Westboro Baptist Church

Westboro Baptist Church is one of the most evil churches to have exist and the most evil people go to that church.  They are hateful and spiteful people.  They claim that they are Christians, but they are not real Christians they are people that hate on gays , people that do not dress appropriately, they hate soldiers, and they hate America.  If some of you do not who they are they are the people that won the right to protest at a soldiers funeral, but cities have been making sure that they are kept at a distance.  They protest at a funeral to show that they died for a worthless America that supports homosexuals behaviors, attitudes, and actions.  They hate America for accepting homosexuals into society.  They call themselves Christians, but they are not because God would have never wanted us to hate on people like that.  The New Testament tells us to accept everyone and love our neighbors.  These people clearly have stuck to the Old Testament and have not read the new one.  Of course this is not a perfect world and we are all sinners, but these people are sick.  If they could I probably bet they would harm all the gay people and create a genocide out of it.  I think that if they were bigger and armed they would get just as bad as the Ku Klux Klan.  Thank goodness that we have a government that will prevent these people becoming a Hitler,  a Stalin, a Saddem Hussein, or a President Al-Saad because I think that they will kill everyone that is gay or does not follow the Bible, in which would be pretty much everyone.  

Honestly, I think that people need to protest them and I am down to go to TOpeka, Kansas and protest against them.  I would like to show up to a funeral that they are protesting at and counter their protest.  Raising American flags in their face.

You know what I think is kind ironic is the fact that they are protesting at a soldiers funeral, soldiers that fight to preserve this nation and fight to keep our rights.  The soldiers fight for their right to protest, keep any other nation from harming us.  

No one is going to make them change or change their minds, but we could show them that there is a strong opposition against them.  America is not going to change and the Christians are slowly going to accept that there are homosexuals.  The hardliners are going to be the only ones to constantly not accept this reality.  

This world is not perfect  and as Christians we are going to have to accept that reality.  We are all sinners, this world is never going to be perfe someone trying to dominate another country or group of people.
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Monday, June 18, 2012

Parents and the Government Part of the Problem with Education in America

The summary of this article is that the parents are taking back the schools.  Mayors and city councils are supporting laws and passing laws that make it possible for parents to override the school boards in their school districts. The parents now have the ability to fire teachers and do what they want with the schools like make them a private institution.   My problem with this education system is that some parents are to blame for the way things are going as well as the government. These mayors have the nerve to support these new laws, but they are not going to there state government or to the federal government to handle these problems.  They are the ones that need to take responsibility for the mess that the schools are in and the parents need to take more responsibility for not making their kids increasingly responsible for their grades (talking mainly high school with this comment).  The parents are responsible to encourage and help their children get good grades and to focus on their education.  They should punish for bad grades (not talking beating the crap out of them or anything like that).  People are so quick to blame teachers, but in reality it is a combination of all three. I am not trying to make an argument that all teachers are good teachers, there are a few that are terrible teachers.  

However, I think that everyone is responsible for the school systems failing.  The federal government does not focus enough on education.  They should focus on education because then you are going to have a surplus of workers for  minimal wage or for specialized areas in the future.  We need to encourage students to go to school and to do better than what is expected of them.  They need to be taught by parents, teachers, and the government that school is important, they need to be encouraged.  On the other hand, this is not a perfect world so there is always going to be people that are going to drop out, government officials that do not care, and teachers that are bad teachers.  

The government needs to focus on math and science programs so that we can get Americans into the fields.  However, that may not happen because employers can pay foreigners less than they can with Americans.  Americans can still fight for a better educational system, but please stop putting all the blame on teachers, school boards,and the administration because it is not solely there fault.  The parents need to make there children learn what responsibility and take responsibility if they have bad grades and if they think the teacher purposely gave them bad grades then they need to go to the school administration or the school board.  For example, when I was in school I felt like my PreCalculus teacher was not teaching me correctly and I went to the school administration to take me out of the class and to make a formal complaint. In the end, he was gone sometime within the year.  

Finally we are not going to have any real changes done unless we elect those that may have gone to a public school or put their kids in the public school system.  Everyone in Washington  Brother HL-2240 Laser Printer

Monday, June 11, 2012

Nanny State: People Predicted this Would Happen

America the Nanny State Welcomes You.  We get to tell you what to eat, how to dress, how to spend your money, and get to control your personal life.  That is how America is turning out to be and I am not surprised at all.  Political Scientists have predicted that this would happen.  This all began with The Great Depression when states and the American people really needed the help of the federal government.  However, the states are getting a bit out of control with the the whole lets control what every American does in their lives.  The government makes its seem like they do not have bigger problems then telling someone to not feed the homeless and have a special team come into people's homes to get expired milk.  

Why does the government not focus on improving the school systems rather than worrying about what a kid brings to school for lunch, in which that is the parents right to pack whatever the heck they want into their child's lunch. You are so worried about Americans having Bible Studies in their own homes that you forget to tell teachers and leaders to stress moral values to bring down the crime rates.  

Minnesota is worried about muddy vehicles when they should continue to stress the extreme importance of not driving while intoxicated and drive the correct way.  

Finally, the government is so worried about what the heck we say on the internet because it protects us.  I understand that you want to keep us safe, but we have the right to say what we want and when we want as long as it does not incite violence or is hate speech.  

Word to the government, which you are likely viewing this.  Read up on the Constitution and look at the ways that you are violating it.  The 14 Amendment made the Bill of Rights applicable in any state and you clearly violate them on a daily basis. Read the Founding Fathers books, letters and articles to understand how they wanted America to be.  Many may think they are already in ashes and this is modern America, however they valued our liberty and happiness more than anything.  They fought a revolution so that we can say what we want and go as high as we want to in this country and my government is not going to prevent me from going as high as I want to g.  I think that government is necessary and I am thankful that the government has helped me to get through my life and what not, but there is such a thing as too much government interference.

I thank the Founding Fathers for giving me the freedom to say what I want and do what I want as long as I do not hurt others.  I feel that government is necessary.  On the other hand, I am American and I will fight to protect my liberty and be able to keep my individuality.