Thursday, July 18, 2013

Mayor Bloomberg

So I decided to blog about the lovely Mayor Bloomberg. He is the poster-child for government trying to tell you how to live.  He banned trans-fat, attempted to ban large soda, and now he is trying to make New Yorkers take the stairs.  

When I lived New York I did not mind going up a couple of flights of stairs to get to my destination. However, if you know anything about living in New York you know that walking is your life and you are usually walking pretty fast.  New Yorkers know all about the power walk to reach our destination.  

However, I do not think that he has the right to force New Yorkers to take the stairs.  By the way, I do not think he has any room to talk because I am pretty sure he takes a car everywhere.  Furthermore, I am pretty sure if he had to choose between an escalator or the stairs he would pick the latter.  

Lastly, I forgot to mention when the Sandy Hurricane came through he banned donations of cooked food to homeless shelters because the government could not test the salt content of the food.  He cared more about salt content than feeding the thousands of people that were displaced by the storm.  

I believe that he just wants to control the lives of millions of New Yorkers through legislation.  He does not care about the people, he just is power hungry.  He wants to control all those that are around him regardless of the peoples opinion and he wants to make himself look good in the media.  

I know that my blog jumped around a bit, but the point is government.  Government is not suppose to manage the lives of people.  Government is there to make sure that there is order. 

Mayor Bloomberg wants to do more then keep order, he wants to control the lives of people.  He is nothing but a selfish idiot who only does this for power and the media. I hope that he does not run for President because he would try to control our lives down to our undergarments.  

Big Government at its finest.