Thursday, May 28, 2015

Update on Obama’s Immigration Executive Order

Hello, it has been awhile, but school is finally over so I will be able to devote more time to blogging.  Today I am blogging about a recent article that came out in regards to the standing injunction of executing Obama’s executive order.  The Court of Appeals has ruled to support the states with preventing the executive order for immigration from being enforced.  The states are arguing that there will be an economic burden for giving illegals proper paperwork to stay in the country for the time being and to give them licenses.  Economic burden does have legal grounds for states.  Furthermore, the President is circumventing standing laws, which make it illegal to come into the United States.
We all have our opinions and I will express mine whether people like it or not.  First, I do not think that illegals should be given a free pass to stay in this country.  They are hurting those that have come into this country the right way and our getting their citizenship.  They have worked long and hard to be able to go to a citizenship ceremony and proudly say they are Americans.  The problem is that illegals think well if we just come then we can use our children or other means to become residents or citizens.  Which is wrong to do so.
Secondly, I have studied Mexico and South American countries, I have seen and learned that life is not great in those countries. The question is how can we change those countries?  It all begins with the people from within changing their country. Yes, it is not going to be an easy task, but change can happen.  The problem is that people are too scared of their government to fight against them so then they just pop into the next country expecting to deserve the same rights as the people who already live there. They take the easier route rather than fighting hard to change the course of history by taking out the tyrants.  There are countries who would gladly support a revolution against existing governments that they do not like.  Granted they will expect compensation for the weapons and some say when it comes to trading decisions.
 For example, the United States of America would not exist if they did not have the assistance of France.  The revolutionaries were losing and then France came to their aid with weapons and supplies.  Their help change the course of the revolution.  The colonists fought against Britain because they did not want to have a standing army to knock down the colonists if they were not obeying.  They could not bear arms and they could not freely express themselves.  Over 200 years we still have those rights and we would not have gotten those rights if they had not fought against the British.

All in all, I understand why people come to this country illegally because they want a better life and to send money to love ones in their home countries.  However, at the same time running away is not solving the problem.  One day their children may want to live in Mexico or wherever they came from, but the situation is not going to change.  Stop running away and begin changing the country.  It does not half to be a full out change it can start in increments.  Beginning with towns, to cities, to counties, to states, and finally the whole country.  It takes time to make a country better for the people, but it is worth it in the end.  Stick to the cause and continue fighting until it changes.