Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Thoughts on 14 Year-Old Arrested For a Clock Mistaken to be a Bomb

I hope all is going well with everyone today.  I haven't been blogging due to life, which we all have to deal with.  However, a news article has got me a little rattled. The linked article is about a teenager who was arrested for a clock that authorities thought was a bomb.  I honestly do think this teenager was arrested based on the fact that he is Muslim.  Fear leads to many innocent people getting arrested or investigated because people think that the color or religion you follow will lead to a terrorist attack.  

In addition, Governor Bobby Jindal contradicts himself in this article because he thinks that no 14 year-old should not be arrested, but he is happy the police are doing their job.  The police are not doing a good job because they did not bother to inspect the clock before arresting him. It is absolutely terrible that they were so quick to rush to judgment because he is Muslim and he is bringing in a clock that they thought could carry a bomb.

Then Governor Jindal goes on to make himself look like a bigger fool by criticizing the Muslim community that they are not doing a better job to denounce violence.  I bet you if researchers did a study on the Muslim community and compared it to another community about their size they would find they commit less crimes.  No one should blame the Muslim community in America for events that are happening across the world unless you can prove that they are funding them.  In addition, funding is rare because the federal government will eventually capture those who do it through extensive investigation.  The risk of being caught is high therefore most will not attempt it.   

Lastly, he turns it into a Christian issue by stating they are facing discrimination.  Everyone faces discrimination and it depends on how you want to handle it.  The clerk deserves to be arrested for not issuing out marriage licenses to gay couples.  It is her job and she should not let her personal beliefs get in the way of her job and if she has got a problem she should have quit.