Sunday, July 24, 2011

Conspiracy Theorists and the Planet Nibiru


One thing that I have noticed about conspiracy theorists is that the stories that they tell and their predictions always change. This so called "planet" or "comet" is not going to hit earth. By the way people are stupid to believe those conspiracy theorists on YouTube or online because they do not know if they are a credible source of information. I think that if these people believe what they are saying is stupid because they do not go to search if the real scientists believe those arguments.

I am happy that in this article the scientists are speaking out about the conspiracy theorists because they know it is not true and they have the research to prove it. There is no planet called Nibiru and it is not going to crash into the earth and destroy this planet. Also there is no way that a comet could cause an earthquake to happen when it comes close to the earth called Elenin. Also Elenin is not suppose to be coming anywhere near Earth. In the article, the theorists said that it will be directed to crash into the US because there is a UFO directing it to earth.

I think that the theorists are ridiculous, they change their stories so many times it is retarded. Also if there are any Christians that are believing in this then they need to read the Bible.