Saturday, July 16, 2011

Get Over It

China has some nerve being upset at Obama for having the Dalai Lama coming to meet with him. Seriously, get over it. Obama clearly does not support the Tibetans trying to separate from you. If he did than he would have said that they recognize them as a country and would have sent troops to help them fight. You know that North Korea is in good relations with China and I have not seen us whining against those good relations. The Dalai Lama clearly did not come over to the United States to discuss how to save his people from China. He came to the US to celebrate a Buddhist holiday in which he has the right to.

Another thing is that the Dalai Lama should be allowed to and is expressing his sympathy for the Tibetans. China has treated them very cruelly over the decades as they have for many people that have opposed them. It is not w
rong to express some kind of sympathy for them. They burn themselves up to support their cause.

However, I do agree with the Tibetans that China does need to get out of Tibet because they are illegally occupying the place. Their revolution will eventually happen, but it will only happen when China gets weaker or another country helps their cause. See China gave them false hope that they would leave and than they lied. I do not think that there has been a government that is completely honest to their people.

I am not surprised that China lied to them, but they know that they have no right to be there.