Friday, July 8, 2011

American Plurality

Now I would like to clarify some of my blogs before I get onto the subject
  1. My blog is of my opinions, yes there are going to be some things that you do not agree with and there might be some things that do not make sense to you, but it does to me because it is my thoughts.
  2. Views are going to differ and you are just going to have to deal with it or do not read it at all.
  3. I do like the fact that America did get Osama Bin Laden, it is just sometimes you got to question how they did it, that does not hurt. People need to look at the process too and not just the results. The end does not justify the means, I am just sayin.

Okay so if you are wondering why I am began with this, it is because someone had a problem with my blog because I do not agree with him in political matters. So that brings me to the title of this post "American Plurality." What I mean by this is that America composes of a diverse sets of minds, people, and ideas. We are not going to agree with each other all the time and some people just do not know how to accept that. I do not agree with the left-wing people and they do not agree with me and that is fine. However, I am not going to get into a stupid debate on trying to convince them that I am right. We both could be right in different ways.

I think that one of the goals of the Founding Fathers was to let us have the freedom to be able to differ in opinions without being persecuted for it and hence why we have the freedom to practice different religions. They saw that back in the day England would burn people for heresy if they did not agree with the religion at the time and they would behead or quarter people for high treason if they differed with the monarchy that the time.

The Founding Fathers desired us to live in a country where different opinions are allowed to exist without persecution from the GOVERNMENT!! Now the law and judges will handle the people that persecute other people for their opinions. I am proud and happy to live in AMERICA because I can say what I want and when I want to. Now if my opinion does not agree with yours then you will have to deal and get over it.

There are two sides to every argument and if you do not agree that is fine with me.