Saturday, July 16, 2011

I Feel Like...

I feel like I am criticize on a daily basis
I feel like the only gift that God gave me is my intelligence
I feel like I can never give an employer what she or he wants
I sometimes feel like people think that I am way to compromising
I sometimes feel like I am the only one trying to find my way back to some well-established morals and virtues
I sometimes feel like I am always under attack, that there is no one in this world that can agree with me
I feel like I would make a good judge or even a Supreme Court judge because when I watch cases I try to look at it from an unbiased standpoint
Unfortunately that would qualify me for jury duty, hopefully that no one that is in charge of jury duty reads this
I feel like our dear government can come to a compromise, but they are too worried about their political careers
I feel like Mike Hukabee (i think he said it) that career politicians are bad, too busy worrying about their career
I feel like America has driven away from the core values of the Constitution and need to come back to it fast before the nation is ruined
I feel like some Americans do not understand that America is unique and that we should not try to be like any other nation, but have our own identity

This was an exercise to help me get to sleep. I do not expect pity remarks especially from the top I feel likes. These are some of things that are on my mind. Also another thing that is on my mind and growing bigger in my mind is that stupid election, just kidding the election isn't stupid haha