Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Collective Bargaining

So I get that unions want collective bargaining and President Obama. However, I do not think that unions should hold all of the powers.  Unions should not be trying to run businesses.  First, it is not their business, it is the owners.  Secondly, the owners need to have a say in how much someone should be paid.  Thirdly, unions need to realize where they stand in the situation.  Unions think they are entitled to complete control over the wages of workers and the benefits they receive. However, they do not need complete control because it can hurt the business.  What if the corporations need to make a slight cut in pay in order to keep the business? What if they need to lay off workers or hike the prices because they are not allowed to subtract some of the workers pay? Employers need to have options on what they can do to keep their business alive.

Sometimes they need to cut pay and keep prices low.  So that people will stay employed and people keep buying.  That is a great solution. However, unions won't have that kind of talk because they are too busy with their own self-interests instead of looking at the bigger picture.  No wonder why there are no jobs here in America.  Unions do not want to negotiate a slight wage cut instead they rather have people laid off and have higher prices.

Probably the real problem in America is some of the unions. They are the ones that would rather see people laid off than a slight decrease in pay.  I understand that a few cents could hurt someone. However, would you rather see yourself laid off or a few cents cut off?