Thursday, September 29, 2011

Not Every Act that Congress Passes is Applicable to Each State

I was sitting in my politics class and I have sort of a revelation. I understand that the federal government passes acts to benefit us. However, some acts do not help other states. For instance, No Child Left Behind. This act may have helped kids that were falling behind in some states, but it hurt the other states. Some states have bigger problems than education. For instance, some states have immigration issues. They have their resources being used up by people that do not pay for those resources. Other states may have issues with unemployment. There are states that are in terrible economic conditions. Take Michigan for example they haven't and still do not have the best economy. Many people have moved from Michigan to Arizona because they think they can get jobs here.

I think that the federal government needs to begin looking at the smaller picture. Another way to help states more effectively is to give them block grants to help fix some of their problems.