Sunday, February 12, 2012

Syrian Violence

Syria is in turmoil. Thousands of people are opposing President Bashar al-Assad. Less than a thousand have died (Syria will not be completely honest about it). However, I want to say that the United States should do something about it or other nations. There is a problem and it is AL-Qaeda and the Jordianian Muslim Brotherhood. They support the uprising and that is bad because we are have an issue with Al-Qaeda, right now I do not know of the relation with the Muslim Brotherhood (might not be good because of Egypt). Anyways, Al-Qaeda totally supports the sectarian violence in Syria. That surprises me because they have not been the most humane or freedom of choice kind of type. I believe that the US should do something, but i do not know what it is yet. They need to see why Al-Qaeda supports it, what are the benefits for them.

Syria's president needs to begin making compromises because pretty soon a powerful nation might just invade and do something about his tactics against his people. He shouldn't even be called a president, he should be called a dictator.

Message: Russia and China you have a terrible history with using violence on your people to get them to shut up. Of course you support Syria and you will do it. You do not want a tribunal to be held against President al-Assad because people would begin to question the methods both of you have used in the past. You do not make your country look any better by opposing any sort of resolution to deal with this issue.

I guess the US might have to try to see if it can be solved diplomatically through peace talks, but who knows if that is going to work.

Saturday, February 4, 2012


For a few years I have been saying that Iran is going to get in some kind of trouble with their energy development. President Bush even knew that there was an issue with them developing nuclear energy because we do not know what are their real reasons for development. They could be developing nuclear weapons or they could be using it for energy purposes. We will not know until they let inspectors in and they do want even to do that. If they are so afraid of inspectors, it does make you question their motives.

On the other hand, Israel is using this to attack Iran in which they have always wanted to and now they have a window of opportunity. Israel now wants to start airstrikes on the site where this so-called "energy development" is going on. Israel has been wanting to go after Iran for awhile and I am not surprised by them taking this opportunity to strike. Iran has made threats at Israel in the past, but they both have been making threats. It is a war that was bound to happen and now the time has come from them to duke it out.

United States will not participate unless Iran decides to mine the Strait of Hormuz and the U.S. needs to send sweepers in. Also another possibility is if Iran begins to attack Israel and they end up going on the defensive then we might have some obligation to assist depending on the treaty standards.

We will see what happens, but I honestly believe Israel will attack.