Wednesday, May 16, 2012


I am honestly really sick about hearing people complaining about gay rights.  Homosexuals have been around for centuries and now they are being publicly accepted into society (for the most part).  So stop being surprised at the fact that they want more rights and that they want the same rights as a married couple. Obviously, the issue is never going to go away it is going to be another Roe v. Wade, the decision has been made yet there is still argument.  There is nothing that we can do to change the decisions that have been made.  Yes gay rights have not been decided on, but I am not going to be surprised if they Supreme Court were to rule them to have the same rights because if they allowed abortion to stand, what is going to stop them from preventing people to get married.  Yes, the Supreme Court is conservative, but that does not mean that they will not look at the Constitution and allow them to have those rights.

All I am saying is that eventually they will get the rights that they want and desire.  So we are going to have to learn to accept the changes.  I am a Christian, but this is one of those issues that we will not be able to stop from coming to a reality.  I think that they do deserve the benefits of a married couple, but maybe it should be called a Civil Union and make it mandatory that other states acknowledge the union like it demands them in the Constitution.  Get rid of DOMA.