Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Taliban Cracks Me Up at the Moment


A quote from the article:
"Nobody can trust their statements and lies," Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid said in an e-mail to the media on Tuesday, a day after the two-day summit closed in Chicago. "They are claiming that everything is fine in Afghanistan, which is far from the reality."

Before I get to the quote that I have took from the article, I will summarize the article. The article is about the slow withdrawal of NATO forces in Afghanistan.  NATO will have the troops no longer operating in combat mode after 2014, but will be training the military and operating there.  Pakistan and Afghanistan is happy that NATO will continue to try to stabilize the country and prevent another Taliban and Al-Qaeda take over and not do a rush job of leaving Afghanistan to fend for itself.  Iran is the only one that is weary because they do not want the US and NATO forces to be leaving a big military in the middle east and I think that they are scared that the US might attempt to invade Iran or support Israel if  a war was to happen.  

So back to the lovely quote from the Taliban. The Taliban to me it seems like they are questioning why NATO has decided to leave.  Now would they not want NATO to leave so they can take over the country.  NATO is in the country because of the Taliban and Al-Qaeda, they are the problem.  NATO was used to invade Afghanistan because one of the terrorists organizations decided to attack the US and according to the alliance they had to invade to stop the Taliban.  Taliban and Al-Qaeda were in control of the government after the Soviets left and then when the US and NATO forces came into the country they lost control of Afghanistan.  

The reason things are unstable is because an international terrorist organization was running Afghanistan and NATO forces came in and splintered the terrorist groups.  

I think it is funny that he thinks the country is unstable and things are not all right and there is no reason for NATO troops to leave, but you are the one that is attacking the Afghan military and government preventing NATO from leaving. IF things are so unstable then work on a peace deal with the Afghan government