Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Election Goes to Obama, Now Back to Reality

So I am happy that the election is finally over and buisness will resume soon.  So he won the Electoral Vote and barely lost the popular vote.  I bet that this win is a good and bad thing for him.  Good that he won the reelection, but now he has to start listening to the people and working with the House Republicans and encouraging Senator Reid to work with the House.  He now knows that he has to work a little harder for Americans to see him as favorable.  

One thing is that he has to stop playing the blame game, the blame game needs to stop.  He needs to stop blaming Bush and Republicans because everyone is to blame for the way things are, including himself.  Example, the budget was not passed because Reid refused to put it on the floor for discussion and vote.  Boehner and Obama worked together to try to work out some kind of agreement and they did, but Reid refused to cooperate.  

Another issue is Iran, we have to decide to do something about them because the after January you can expect Israel to attack.  If Israel attacks and Iran upholds its promise to attack American bases an interests, we are going to be in a war, whether we like it or not.  He has to find some way to deal with them and stop the automatic cuts on defense which is going to harm the economy and hurt our ability to brace ourselves for war. 

Japan and China, he better get some diplomatic talks going, so those two do not get into it.  

However, the main issue is that we need to start uniting this country.  We need to get both sides to work together.  Otherwise, this country will be in the crap hole because we could not compromise.  I apologize for attacking Harry Reid so much, but if you want to know he has been very uncooperative. At least to some degree Obama is willing to work across the aisle in a limited fashion.