Friday, November 2, 2012

Divided Nation

So when I saw this I got so angry, but I did not get angry at the extreme left for this.  I got angry because people believe what the extremist are claiming in this post. You honestly believe that people will do such a thing? I do not think that the Republicans told Democrats that the vote is on Novemeber 7th, that is the most dumbest thing that I have heard in a long time.  They know that Americans will believe any propaganda if you shove it in their face or show young people who tend to be extremists, both sides do it.  We young people are the most impressionable people, most of us will not do research.  We believe everything that is told to us and we take it and run with it.  Most young people are the ones that think out of the box and calm down a little later, but there are the few that truly believe when they are older.  Bolshevik Revolution was done by young people, Mao Tse-Sung was young when he began the Communist Revolution and he led many young people with him.  
We have to start questioning the things that are told to us especially young people.  The media manipulates us and tries to make them believe that they are the only ones that know everything, when they are only scratching the surface of the problem.  This problem comes from when we were kids, some want to teach us what to think, but not how to think.  They do not teach us how to question the facts or interpret the facts, that comes when we are in college.  
Now let me conclude how this all relates to a divided nation.  The extremists of both parties are making the people more split, they have been working at it for awhile to divide the nation.  We need to start having a middle ground because the nation is too divided.  Romney and Obama are tied in the elections and this shows that the country is divided.  I know that I have posted about this before BUT COMPROMISE IS NECESSARY. Our Founding Fathers have warned that factions are going to hurt our nation.  Another quote is that America is not going to fall from an outside country,but from within.  This would be possible if we keep up the divisions, we need to start getting along!!!