Thursday, July 18, 2013

Mayor Bloomberg

So I decided to blog about the lovely Mayor Bloomberg. He is the poster-child for government trying to tell you how to live.  He banned trans-fat, attempted to ban large soda, and now he is trying to make New Yorkers take the stairs.  

When I lived New York I did not mind going up a couple of flights of stairs to get to my destination. However, if you know anything about living in New York you know that walking is your life and you are usually walking pretty fast.  New Yorkers know all about the power walk to reach our destination.  

However, I do not think that he has the right to force New Yorkers to take the stairs.  By the way, I do not think he has any room to talk because I am pretty sure he takes a car everywhere.  Furthermore, I am pretty sure if he had to choose between an escalator or the stairs he would pick the latter.  

Lastly, I forgot to mention when the Sandy Hurricane came through he banned donations of cooked food to homeless shelters because the government could not test the salt content of the food.  He cared more about salt content than feeding the thousands of people that were displaced by the storm.  

I believe that he just wants to control the lives of millions of New Yorkers through legislation.  He does not care about the people, he just is power hungry.  He wants to control all those that are around him regardless of the peoples opinion and he wants to make himself look good in the media.  

I know that my blog jumped around a bit, but the point is government.  Government is not suppose to manage the lives of people.  Government is there to make sure that there is order. 

Mayor Bloomberg wants to do more then keep order, he wants to control the lives of people.  He is nothing but a selfish idiot who only does this for power and the media. I hope that he does not run for President because he would try to control our lives down to our undergarments.  

Big Government at its finest.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Why Does Everything Have to Involve Race in America?

This question is my topic for this blog and I am going to try to provide some answers for it in a simple way.
  1. We live in America that identifies people by race -- We have to learn to not say I am black, I am white, I am brown.  We need to change that because then maybe less people will turn it into a race issue
  2. Americans can turn a simple issue into a race issue--I love this one because the race card gets so easily pulled out.  We can turn just about anything into a race issue if it involves two people of different colors.  Except most of the time the real issue was never about the color of your skin.  There was a Democrat, I forget his name, he decided to rail against Conddoleezza Rice because she is a black Republican.  You choose your party not based on the color of your skin, you choose a party that is most aligned with your values.  That is not a race issue.
  3. Once again we live in America that has an issue of racism--like most nations they have all had this problem.  We Americans forget that this was recent past and we are still trying to get over it and make sure everything is equal.  This process takes time and it will continue to take time. Membership of the Ku KLux Klan is a perfect indicator things are changing and people are becoming more accepting.  They will soon be of no influence at all in the future. 
  4. Once again America asks us to identify by race rather then just being American---This is a very important reason why we cannot get over the race problem because they still expect us to identify by color.  When
  5.  in truth we are all Americans.  We may have different ethnic backgrounds, different traditions, and different cultures, but we are all Americans.

Personally, I do not care about the color of anyone's skin because I believe that we are all Americans.  However, we need to start changing the way we think.  Furthermore, change does not occur right away, but it takes time.  President Obama he knows that change does not occur right away and he knows that it is going to take time.  Furthermore, when they pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964, I am pretty sure they knew they were still going to hear cases of discrimination because people do not change overnight. 

Lastly, I am pretty sure you know why I am posting this on this day.  Well, its because I saw many posts on this Zimmerman case.  Here is my opinion, not taking race into account here.  The state of Florida failed to prove beyond reasonable doubt he committed murder.  Florida prosecutors failed to prove their case and that is the problem.  It is not the justice system, it was the state of Florida.

People say a black man has no justice, but I do know of several cases where a black man was acquitted of all his charges.  I have a friend that was acquitted.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Syrian Civil War

So I would like to cover this piece of news that I heard about 3 weeks ago in regards to the Syrian Civil War. A little background is necessary for those that may not know too much about the Syrian Civil War.  President Bashar al-Assad is fighting rebel forces and these rebels are demanding that he steps down as President. However, he is holding his own by fighting the rebels. The U.S. is supplying the rebels and Russia is supporting al- Assad.  

The U.S. needs to stop supplying these rebels. This video shows a rebel taking out the heart and liver of the soldier and the video stops at the point when he begins to consume the heart and liver. The rebel is trying to send a message to al-Assad that he needs to step down and also he could be saying that this is what is going to happen to him.  Putin, not one for reason, has told the U.S. they need to stop helping these rebels. They are just as bad as the Syrian President and maybe even worse.  
Here is the video: