Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Only Difference Between Michael Bloomberg and Bill De Blasio is the Party Title

Mayor Bloomberg is a tyrant and he thinks that he should be a parent figure rather then a Mayor. Telling people what they can eat and drink.  Also telling people how they should get to work because he thinks it is his job.  However, who is to say Bill de Blasio is not going to be the same way. What I am trying to say is that the policies that Mayor Bloomberg was trying to pay are extremely liberal. I hope that this De Blasio character is going to be less socialist then the lovely Bloomberg.  Yes Bloomberg used to a be a Republican, but from his policies he leans towards Socialist Democrat.  He may be even farther left then that, but in time history will tell.  I just hope that this De Blasio character does not turn into a tyrannical prick like Bloomberg.