Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Colorado Democrats Ousted


I am happy to read the news today because I just learned that two Colorado lawmakers were voted out of office through a special recall election.  The reason they were ousted is because they supported stricter gun-laws that would limit law-abiding gun holders and limit the sales and amounts of ammunition.  This is known as Bloomberg Gun Control Law, similar to his law in New York City.

Anyways, another thing to be happy about is that Bloomberg could not influence the recall election enough so they could stay in office. In which, that is a relief because no one wants a New York City law man controlling other states lawmakers or the legislation that goes through.

I do not know when Bloomberg is ever going to learn his lesson. The lesson is ; First, no one care about what you have to say because are in New York. Second, you have no right to attempt to influence legislation or lawmakers in another state.  Third, more people are going to hate you because you are acting like an arrogant prick.  

Bloomberg please focus on your own city and stop trying to control the lives of millions.  It will backlash!