Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Russia Up to their Old Ways?

Times of India

Hello All, I hope all is going well.

Russia is up to their old tricks, which are attacking other countries and threatening the United States with nuclear weapons.  I guess Russia forgot that NATO exists and those countries who have agreements with NATO will receive protection.  The United States is supplying weapons and equipment to assist six countries who may face an attack from Russia.  Furthermore, if Russia does decide to attack them then NATO will need to protect those states because they have an agreement with NATO for protection if they are attacked by another country.  Vladimir Putin told others that he was not being aggressive but persistent in their interests.  He is just playing with words because persistent is still being aggressive. 

Russia has no right for invading Ukraine nor do they have any right to invade any other countries.  I think the real problem is Vladimir Putin and he needs to go.  They need to understand that they do not have the right to overtake countries that they let go.  Those are sovereign nations who have the right to protect themselves and request assistance to prevent and/or fight an invasion.  

Putin is acting like a stuck up child who wants what he wants and will risk everything to get it.