Friday, April 20, 2018

Corporations and Positivity

Hello again, I know it has been awhile.  So right now I am sitting in my job parking lot and I am thinking about how much this job sucks because of leadership. They want all of us to project positivity so that the executive form of leadership think that everything is OK, but it’s not. I think that businesses should try to be as transparent as possible and that they should except that there’s not always going to be positivity in the work environment on a regular basis. However, there should not be a lot of negativity in the environment, but there should be open dialogue between the slaves and leadership because they act like they understand our jobs, but they don’t. They act like they know what it’s like to take calls phone every single day. There are some that may have experience taking phone calls,but that was so far long ago that they don’t understand and more. When we have to have our time manage constantly like we’re fucking children.  They do not have to deal with their time being managed for every minute of the day. They say that it is all for the customer, but they don’t care about the employee.  Leaders their downtime get to chat all they want not do a thing in which it seems like to me that they have a lot of downtime. So why are they not taking calls when we have a ton of calls in queue? Oh wait because they have earned the privledge to be a leader.  They told us in training that the entire reason why they don’t get special cards like we do is because they are meant to manage people and to develop the people and that’s it a.k.a. micromanage and and make sure that they are not fucking up so bad that the customers are unhappy or whatever maybe. That is their entire job, leadership is a joke at my company and probably at other companies as well. “They are glorified babysitter‘s,” that is what one leader told me told me that he was pretty much a glorified babysitter because all he does is micromanage them. 

Corporations have lost touch with society because they think that everybody is just a tool.  Companies only care about the stupid leaders who have stupid downtime to go to chit chatting it up with other leaders rather then doing their job. But every single hour, minute, and second that we are on the clock we need to be taking calls.  The point is is that corporations do not care about the workers and they don’t value us as human beings. Our CEO doesn’t give a shit about us and that is part of the reason he lost many of his customers why our company has lost so many customers.

Friday, March 17, 2017


     Hello, it has been awhile since I have blogged. I have been preoccupied with certain life events that are forcing me to accept my destiny.  I have learned that my life is not going in the route of marriage and children like they portray in film.  Television shows and movies are a reflection of reality.  The media tells us that we are supposed to aspire for lives of money, marriage, and children to be happy. They also portray that those who sleep with others and have no real relationships are the unhappy ones.  Then when they find the right person everything is right with their lives or they end up heartbroken over that one time they chose to be in a relationship.  Movies and shows also demonstrate that only thin and healthy individuals find love because fat people are not attractive.  Therefore, our society is in that reality, but also tries to mimic those clichés in television. 

      I am a fat person living in America where it is unacceptable to be the way I am and especially since I am a woman.  I will not change myself to be pleasing to the eye because society tells me.  I will change when I want and need to change.  I have accepted that I will likely never find love and have children.  I am way too intelligent and I have Asperger’s to find anyone that will be compatible.  I am not trying to make anyone feel like I should be pitied because I do not feel sorry for myself. I have accepted that I will be alone and I can live with that now.  I do not need to try to find things in life based on the television shows and movies that portray that life should be like that.   I have also accepted that I will also feel like an outsider looking in to the world because I cannot feel the same needs that most people have nor do I understand many people.  

     I have chosen to live a life to serve God, to financially better myself, live to be there for my friends, and be there for the family that I have in this world. I choose to watch my friends and family grow in their lives and their relationships.  I enjoy watching them grow in their relationships because I know that they will be successful even if they get lost in portions of their lives.  I was lost for a while because I was struggling with the requirements of society and who I am as a person.  This world is unfriendly towards those are outside of the “norm” of their societies.  This world strives to be perfect when the world is imperfect and full of sin. I have realized that I will never be perfect nor will I comply to how society wants me to live.  The only time that will occur is if that will benefit me in my life circumstances. 

     In conclusion, my life is destined to be that of a loner.  I will grow old and die alone in this world.  I have accepted that my life is destined to fulfilling my duty to God, my needs, and watching those that I love improve their lives.  However, I will keep myself open to the possibility of love. My destiny is what is right now and should that change then I will embrace that reality.  I am happy now that I have accepted.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

The Failure of Americans and America

Hello I know it has been awhile, but there are just some things that need to be discussed regarding my lovely nation and those that occupy this nation.  There are several issues with America that Americans will need to solve to accomplish and make things better.

  1.  Stop acting like the news media is your source for correct information on politics and laws.  You need to do the research yourself to make an informed decision as the media does not present all the facts and all the interpretations. Furthermore, the news media is heavily biased and they cannot be trusted.  There are people who should not be office, but are because Americans only pay attention when it is an election year and do not research. 
  2. Remembering that the news media is a business not an organization.  News media makes money off selling news about horrible things because they know that Americans are emotional creatures who can be swayed through emotions rather than facts and common sense.  They need to make a profit and good news does not sell.  For instance, our troops were helping locals rebuild town and cities in Iraq, but only bloodshed was published on our media.
  3. Videos and memes posted about political candidates, parties, and laws.  Those generally are coming from a biased individual and those cannot be used to stay informed.  Only researching yourself will make you better informed.  
  4. Identifying by the color of our skin.  Racism is still a problem because there are parents teaching their kids that the color of our skin is important and the color of someones skin tells who that individual.  BAD TEACHING!! We should not teach children how to identify people by the color of their skin because this leads to racism.  When the outside world looks at us they see United State citizens as Americans therefore we should all see ourselves as Americans.  There is nothing wrong with identifying with your ethnicity (like practicing traditions of the country your family came from, teaching the language of your former country, and etc.)    However, the only way to quell racism is to stop judging someone based on the color of their skin and stop teaching to hate  different types of skin.  
  5. Education system. Our education system terrible.  We need to do a revamp of the system to make ourselves more competitive with countries like Japan.  Also make the parents responsible to some degree for not having education as priority for their children. Many parents want to blame the school and teachers (sometimes they are the problem) for the reason their child is failing rather than looking at themselves.  It is your job as a parent to make sure that the children get the support and our being disciplined to succeed in school and life. If they do not succeed then you are partially responsible.  
There are many other issues in our country, but many of those problems can be solved with making informed decisions and presenting solutions (i.e. homelessness, crime, and etc.) However, those 5 issues are critical to our nation.  Many of our issues can begin to be resolved through the American populace.  Protestors in the 1950s and 1960s were able to succeed with Civil Rights because they had informed individuals leading the people (like Martin Luther King Jr.) they were able to inform them that peaceful protests can change the circumstances and can change the laws.  Also they informed them why it was important to make this change.  Rioting and destroying property will not help a cause, but make people turn their heads because all they see is a bunch of adults taking their rage out on innocent people properties. 

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Canadian Girl on a Stabbing spree at School

Hello, I know it has been awhile if there are any of you who may have read my blog before today. Hello to new readers!  I have not posted for awhile due to life circumstances.  I am going to begin posting again. I have been recovering from depression, which was triggered by routine change due to adjusting to life without school. Anyways, I just thought to give you a little information, which may have been too much. 

Today we are discussing school violence with the use of weapons.  School violence has been in the newspapers for years now ever since the Columbine Shooting. Yes, school violence is rare even for the United States and really rare from some other countries.  Side note, school violence is still rare in the United States because if it was common it would happen as much times as normal violent crime like assault and rape. 

Canadian girl went psycho with two kitchen knives and began slashing fellow students and individuals down the hallways at her school.  This girl was flat out running through the halls of her school and slashing people.  That must have been a terrible sight.  

However, you do not see the news sites making a really big deal about the incident.  I think the only way that they would make a big story about is if she was wielding a gun rather than knives.  They also just had another school incident in Canada where a shooting occurred last month killing four people. 

Once again this shows that people who want to harm others will find ways to harm people with whatever weapon they can find or the most convenient.  Honestly, I think the reason school violence has become a problem is due lack of discipline, lack of responsibility, and lack of family support. 

Many children are not being taught to take responsibility for their own actions.  They are being taught to blame the world for their actions, make excuses, and are expecting not be punished for their actions.  Furthermore, it is the parents and teachers responsibility to discipline children when needed and to teach them to take responsibility for their actions.  Lastly, parents also need to try harder to have themselves or other family members watch their children and to get their children help when they notice that their is abnormal behavior to reduce school violence. 

Guns are not the problems, but lack of socialization, responsibility, and discipline are the problems. 

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

President Obama V. Putin over International Involvement

Summary of Article

This article is about Obama and Putin both critizing one another for involvement in conflicts that hace occurred like Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Ukraine.  Obama is criticizing Putin for supporting the Syrian president and for supporting rebels in the Ukraine.  In addition, he also has criticized him for Annexing Crimea to be part of Russia.  On the other hand, Putin is critizing Obama for his involvement in the Middle East issues like supporting the rebels against President Assad and indirectly issues with Iran, Afghanistan, and Iraq.  


President Obama and Putin are wrong for getting involved in Syria.  They should have let the rebels and the Syrian government duke it out themselves.  That is there problem and if they want to fight let them because it is an internal issue.  Yes there is a problem of refugees, but I guarantee that the war would have been finished if Russia did not supply the Syrian government and the US did not supply the rebels.  In addition, if refugees are causing an issue for those countries then they should be aided with monetary and supplies to help those refugees.  That should be the only involvement in the Syrian issue.  

All in all, I think it is time for countries to stop getting involved with the internal conflicts of other countries.  Russia should have stayed out of the conflict of Ukraine and Syria.  US should have stayed out of the conflict of Syria as well.  On the other hand, we know that the only reasons why countries get involved is because they have interests with those countries.  Putin supports Assad because they share intelligence with one another and they have economical agreements. Russia of course would not want rebels to win because then he will lose an alliance.  US supports the rebels because this will possibly build another alliance either through economical and/or intelligence support.  

It is impossible for anyone to completely stay out of the problems of other countries, but we should try harder.  In addition, if they are going to get involved then it should not be with weapon supplying.  That just creates more issues like death, war, tyranny, and poverty.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Thoughts on 14 Year-Old Arrested For a Clock Mistaken to be a Bomb

I hope all is going well with everyone today.  I haven't been blogging due to life, which we all have to deal with.  However, a news article has got me a little rattled. The linked article is about a teenager who was arrested for a clock that authorities thought was a bomb.  I honestly do think this teenager was arrested based on the fact that he is Muslim.  Fear leads to many innocent people getting arrested or investigated because people think that the color or religion you follow will lead to a terrorist attack.  

In addition, Governor Bobby Jindal contradicts himself in this article because he thinks that no 14 year-old should not be arrested, but he is happy the police are doing their job.  The police are not doing a good job because they did not bother to inspect the clock before arresting him. It is absolutely terrible that they were so quick to rush to judgment because he is Muslim and he is bringing in a clock that they thought could carry a bomb.

Then Governor Jindal goes on to make himself look like a bigger fool by criticizing the Muslim community that they are not doing a better job to denounce violence.  I bet you if researchers did a study on the Muslim community and compared it to another community about their size they would find they commit less crimes.  No one should blame the Muslim community in America for events that are happening across the world unless you can prove that they are funding them.  In addition, funding is rare because the federal government will eventually capture those who do it through extensive investigation.  The risk of being caught is high therefore most will not attempt it.   

Lastly, he turns it into a Christian issue by stating they are facing discrimination.  Everyone faces discrimination and it depends on how you want to handle it.  The clerk deserves to be arrested for not issuing out marriage licenses to gay couples.  It is her job and she should not let her personal beliefs get in the way of her job and if she has got a problem she should have quit. 

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

France having Issue with Uber

Hello, I hope all is going well.  So I just have a quick post about France tripping out over Uber.  Apparently, two managers for Uber were detained for questioning about the service. Taxi cab companies are angry that they do not have the same regulation like taxi companies.  However, I think that they really need to calm down.  They are a cheaper alternative compared to taxi cabs, which benefit those that cannot afford taxis.  

Furthermore, the French Government is having trouble keeping up with regulating companies like Uber, which is typical for any government.  This shows how slow governments are in reality.  

I think that Uber is a good service and it provides a cheaper alternative.  I would much rather have a service like Uber then get hit by a drunk driver.