Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Downgrading Others

Have you ever had someone say that you suck at something and say that they are better than you at it? Well, I hear it all the time and people do not realize that really hurts. Now when I say I hear it all the time does not mean that what they say is actually true because there are plenty of things that I can do that is excellent.

When people say that you suck at something or do something worse than them is really rude. It may be because they need to do that to feel better about themselves. Knocking other people down is terrible. You may think that you are better at everything than everyone, but it is a sick illusion. IT is not good to knock other peopled own by using their flaws.

Also I hate it when other people knock others down while thinking that they are perfect. They think that they have the right to downgrade others because they think they are close to perfect or are perfect. You do not have the right to knock others, no one does. You have flaws just like everyone else. There has been no man that is perfect on this earth, EXCEPT FOR JESUS. We are all sinful and filled with flaws

Stop knocking others for their laws and using it against them. Look at yourself and see the flaws that you have instead of worrying about others. I know my flaws now it is time to look at yours.