Saturday, August 6, 2011

Finally Someone that Speaks the Truth

I am so happy to be able to finally read an article that speaks the truth. The President and the Congress are both to blame for the reason why there is still a high unemployment percent. They made a big deal about the debt ceiling while Wall Street is suffering. This article talks about how employers and Wall Street are not able to expand because they have no confidence in the government resolving the issues. Obama has not reassured us that everything is going to be fine. If the government has no hope than the people are not going to have a hope. As a result, of no hope, no one is going to spend. Also no one is going to hire new people.

I have been trying to find a job since I graduated from high school and I have only had two temporary jobs. That is better than some, but I need a stabl
e income and I cannot get that if no one is hiring.

The President and Congress are the ones to blame for their being no jobs not Wall Street. Whether we like to admit it or not those people on Wall Street work hard for their money as we all should do. This country was built on hard work, earning your way to make a living. However, during the times we have become more dependent
on the government to resolve the issues and take over our responsibilities.

We should try to work for our money and I want to work for money.
Right now I am living off of my mom and I hate it so much. I want to go to school and work at the same time, but the only thing I am doing is going to school. No one will hire me and I am stuck. If the government gets their out of their butts than we can solve these issues, and get rid of the party lines and work together.

The government should ease the restrictions on business and get those unions to stop taking advantage of city governments and corporate. So they can do their jobs to get more workers, I am not asking to get rid of unions, but they need to reel them in.

The President and the Congress need to realiz
e that they are going to have to compromise. IF you want to increase taxes on the corporations and rich than you are going to have to lesson the regulations on them a bit.

Please lets get over the party lines and compromise because you are hurting Americans on both sides, we are tired of suffering!!!