Monday, January 23, 2012

Iranian Journalists

I do not think that the Iran will ever stop arresting its journalists in the country. Goodness they are cracking down on freedom of the press in the country. Usually it is to stop people from broadcasting all the evil that is happening in the country. They keep arresting people, that is what happens in an authoritarian government.

They love to suppress the people because if they know that it gets out what they are doing to the people then they will need to be held accountable. In Iran they torture people and whip people in the jails. I think that something needs to be done about Iran. The people can leave the country if they want, but sometimes it is hard to get out of the country. Especially, if they want to keep watch of you to make sure that you do not try to get them in international trouble.

Most of the journalists that get arrested is because they are reformists and/or they are speaking out against the atrocities of the police and the government.

I pray that the people continue to battle it out with the government and they do not give up. The articles that I have provided you state what is going on in Iran right now. They arrest the most journalists in the world. They are trying to crackdown on journalists because of speaking out against the government. Also they are arresting human rights lawyers. They usually defend the journalists in कोर्ट

इरान नीड्स तो स्टॉप पेर्सेचुतिंग थे जौर्नालिस्ट्स। थे ओनली दो आईटी बेकाउसे थे अरे त्र्यिंग तो हिदे सोमेथिंग.