Friday, January 20, 2012

Occupy the Courts?

So you now want to occupy the courts?

Well they are occupying the courts because the Supreme Court allowed companies to donate to political campaigns. However, did you know that companies donate to both Democrats and Republicans? Did you know that labor unions still donate to the Republican campaigns too? If you take a Government class and few more politics you will see that. My professor showed us statistics on PACs that donated to both Republicans and Democrats and it showed that they like to donate to both even when they are running against one another.

Americans forget that there two sides to the story. Corporations if they donate are going to likely donate to both types of candidates. This is the problem with America they think that everything is one sided. Labor unions when they form PACs, they do donate to both sides.

Not everything is black and white as people would like to think. There is plenty of gray when it comes to campaign contributions.