Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day

This day to many is about drinking and just having a good time. Like many holidays people use it as an excuse to get drunk. Well, I see this holiday for what it is for and it is to honor the people that have fought to protect this country and to help the many countries that we have helped. This day should go back when we fought the British in our revolution.

We honor those that fought in the Spanish-American War and the wars that took place during the Cold War. Also honor those many that have died in both of the World Wars. I think that some Americans tend to forget to honor those that have fought. They are too worried about the political aspect of the war. For all those so-called "Pacifists" you need to understand that soldiers are fighting for you to keep your freedom to protest the war in Afghanistan. Also in the Cold War for all you hippies and yuppies.

Those soldiers are doing their duty for this country so that we can remain free and we need to honor those that have died trying to keep those freedoms. I am so proud to be an American and to have people fighting for our rights. Thank you so much soldiers