Saturday, May 21, 2011

Playing Fix it All in the World, but not in America

I am on my computer checking out the news. As I am reading about some people dying in Pakistan after a NATO attack on some terrorists, I realize that people within the US do not really care about the US. While we are trying to fix the world of their problems, we ignore the ones that are here. For instance, Obama has no regard for the people's opposition to the Health Care bill, he acts like he knows the solution. When in reality the Health Care Bill is going to hurt the US. The countries within the European Union are a perfect example of that. When people become too dependent on the government they do not take responsibility for their life or actions. That is what is going to happen to the US.

Another thing is that while we are trying to help the poor in other countries, we do not do a good job at helping those that are here. Delivering them some water or food when they are out on the streets. The people in the poor countries deserve help too, but so does our people. Granted not everyone is going to want the help. However, we are not really doing a good job at helping the poorer nations because we are stunting their growth as a country. You now there are farmers that are there and they are trying to sell their food to their people. But they end up not being able to sell because we are giving away food.

The final thing that really irkes me is the fact that our freedoms are going away. People hardly acknowledge the fact that the more we depend on government, the more we lose our freedoms. Look at what is happening in the middle east. The US just waltzes into Pakistan and takes Bin Laden out, while getting the permission to shoot any Pakistan officer or military that gets in the way. There is a violation of a nation's sovereignty. They could have worked a bit more on the negotiation and compromise. That violation of sovereignty directly depicts what is going on the US. There was a lot more freedom with a limited government. Granted there are going to be people that are not going to be fortunate, but their family needs to help them or someone other than the government

All I am saying is that before we can go out and care about other nations, we need to care about our own too. Robert Frost suggested that the first step to caring about the world is to first care and support or local home, then your state, then your nation, and then finally the rest of the world. How can we help others when we need help too. Granted we can and need to both at the same time. However, there are some priorities that need to be arranged. The first one is caring about how your nation feels about certain policies and what their needs are.