Thursday, October 27, 2011

Broadcast Media and Federal Government

Media is a wonderful thing. For instance, if it was not for technology I would not be writing a blog and this is a form of media. However, there are times that media really can damage people's images or even a nation's image. Also it can cause a nation to divide because of the information they give to the people.

Broadcast Media is beginning to damage America because of the information they give. They give information that will make Americans react and they
want the news to be interesting. The media likes to present the Congress' differences and what they disagree upon. However, they do not show what they agree on or if they do it is only a minute broadcast. For instance, right now the media is focused on the Jobs Bill and on how much Republicans and Democrats do not agree. On the other hand, while the Jobs Bill is going on they did not show the Republicans and Democrats worked together to get THREE new trade agreements passed and President Obama signed off on it.

The media likes to present the drama of Congress and not what they agree on. Instead they prefer to get a rise out of Americans. I understand that it is their way of making news, but they a
re dividing the nation. They are constantly hounding at Congress. They hound Congress so much that politicians seem like they are campaigning in non-election years. If a Republican agrees with the Democrats he suddenly gets shunned and vice versa. If they agree with the opposite political party, that means trying to work together and agree with the other side.

Politicians are dividing up the United States along with the media because they refuse to make compromises. They refuse to agree with one another because they know the media will look down upo
n them and try to make them look bad to their Constituents.

America we need to start agreeing and stop depending on the media. If you do not have time listen to CNN and FOX News to see the different sides. Stop letting the media divide this nation even further down the line. As a nation we need to begin compromising. Otherwise, this nation will fall apart and we will be in a Civil War. Th federal government needs to compromise with one another and stop blaming each other because it is everyone's fault.

Media is not a bad thing, but it is hurting our nation. The downfall of broadcast media is that it tends to favor one side or the other and then it further divides the people. We have to learn how to compromise or else we will all end up to be losers.

Monday, October 24, 2011

The New Libya

So the New Libya is going to have Islamic Law as its foundation and they are going to lift the laws that have limited the number of wives that men can take up. That is the very first thing that they told people. They already had it planned out, they say its a revolution, but will see if it really was. They are going to make a Constitution and have it go to a referendum vote. However, we do not know who is going to be the voters. Is it going to be the people that are in the interim-government or everyone? Will see how this goes.

I think that the temporary government is responsible for executing all those Gaddafi supporters. I think that if you are trying to create a more just government than you should have gave them a trial. Who knows this revolution might end up like Egypt, utter chaos.

If you are going to have a revolution do not be a hypocrite.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Occupy Wallstreet Post Again

I know that I have posted a lot on this subject and if you read the previous it will say a lot of things I said before, but there are some new ideas that I have learned over the days. I guess I keep writing because it is my way of making my voice to be heard or at least seem to be heard. I am currently jobless and I do not blame corporations for the problems that I have. I blame government fro some problems, but not anything directly related to me.

So I listen to all the news that is going on about Occupying Wall Street, also comments from my professor, and my fellow students and there is one common theme. The common theme is that most people that are protesting do not even know why they are doing it Another theme is that they just want to be part of a part of a movement. I thought that it was a good thing that my professor pointed out and I have been saying this is my other posts is that you are protesting the very corporation that gives you a job. The very corporation that supplies the cell phone that you use and the service that you use to make that phone work. One of my classmates pointed out is that he sees these people protesting, but they are sending text messages on their Iphones. Does that make any sense? He used that as reasoning, that there is a lot of misplaced anger.

Now according to the news, is that one third of the protestors want socialism. Do you think socialism is the answer and do you think it is compatible to the American Constitution? First of all Socialism is not the answer because in the future it will have long term effects that we are not going to be able to handle in the future. Secondly, the federal government would undermine the states rights. Thirdly, we would have to give up some rights to make Socialism possible. One of those rights would be the pursuit of happiness because the government would limit our choices in some areas of our lives. I know this because when I was looking for colleges in Europe I noticed that you have to take an English proficiency exam. This effectively eliminates those that have not learned English and already decides how far they can pursue their education in that country.

Us, Americans, tend not to be too fond of people that think they can decide our futures for us. So socialism will not work for us because we have way different mindsets. The other question that I had, is do you think it will be compatible with our Constitution? AND that is a big fat NO because are Constitution was not developed to ensure that everyone has the same outcomes in life or equality financially. Instead, are Constitution provides us with the ability to have the same starting point and more than ever that is true today. I say this because we did not use to have grants be given out to people to go to college or student loans to help college students pay for college. We are more than ever given the opportunity to go above and beyond expectations. I also think that people forget that education is a privilege here in America. You have to be able to want to be educated. That leads me to my next point.

Another lovely thing that protestors want is that education should be guaranteed through college. However, that should not happen because of the problems in secondary education. First, there is already enough people that take advantage of the public education system. People ditch school, get poor grades, or drop out. Why should a professor be obligated to teach some of those people that do not want to learn. Granted, there are still those that fail classes in college these days because they do not want to learn. Instead, they want to waste tax payers dollars to sit in class and fail. Secondly, if there was an increase in supply for workers , but not enough jobs, what would happen? There would not be enough jobs in the specialized areas, half of the people would still end up working at McDonald's for the rest of their lives. Finally, the incentive to earn great grades would go down. The smart students might not feel like being the best to succeed at school. They would lose incentives.

I think the Occupy Wall Street is full of people that want to blame others for their problems. It is not a movement because the people are not united and there is simply not a majority of people. They feel like a majority, but they are not. I think that there are other people to blame for the problems that we are having and one of them is the Federal Government. They have not been doing their job to get things done. Obama and Congress barely started to focus on the job issue because he is facing reelection and he wants to win. Even Republicans have an upward battle to face because these days we do not know where the majority is going to shift their support to.

I believe that the people that do run the corporations do deserve their pay because they work hard to get their and to stay in that position. People wonder why they get bonuses and sometimes they get it because they met a goal that they had to meet. If all those people that were protesting corporations were in their shoes they would not being doing it because they have money. You earn what you work. How much you get paid depends on the skill level that you have in that area or if it requires no skills at all. Not everyone can run a business or develop computer chips.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

They Have Won

The fight is over and you have one liberals and socialists. America is on the brink of ending here as we speak. Maybe, not as a country, but the Constitution is going to end. Unless, Amendments are made to make a more centralize government and make everyone earn the same wage.

However, I think that it is time to wave the flag of surrender because the socialist will run this country into the ground. Free-market has fallen in this country. We will no longer be producing anything anymore. Look at Europe, that is the future of our country. Our rights and liberties taken away because there are some people that are just to lazy to work hard for what they want. They just want it handed to them like some European governments hand people a check every month.

This country was built on hard work and we for a long time have supported that. However, thanks to FDR and the courts before him we have open the flood-gate of more people depending on the government. People keep wanting more from the government and it is never going to end. The people in France had a fit because they increased the retirement age. Here in America if we had a mandated retirement age (in some aspects we do) than people would throw a fit because they would not get the money from the government. The only difference between France and America is that we worked hard for our money. All the money taken from Social Security comes back to us eventually.
Here in America the rich people are going to get taxed more than ever. I am not rich, I am middle class. Anyways, the rich have worked hard for their degrees. Most of them have went to school for long periods of time so that they can work their way up to earn that money. They do deserve their money. They pay the most taxes and their taxes do benefit the poor, you just do not see it because you are blind!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not only do their taxes help the poor, but they also donate tons of money to charities!!!!! Are you still blind America???????? YOU LISTEN TO POLITICIANS COMPLAIN HOW THE RICH DOES NOT HELP THE PEOPLE, BUT THEY DO!! YOU WHINE ABOUT PAYING TAXES WHEN YOU GET THE MONEY BACK!!! THEY PAY THEIR FARE SHARE OF TAXES, ALL OF THEM OWE MONEY BACK AND MAJORITY MIDDLE CLASS DOES NOT!!!


However, everything that I said is for nothing because you have won the battle. So rejoice in the fact that you will get what you want. The rich and the middle-class will become the slaves of the poor. Just shows you can attempt to go to school and work hard for what you want. However, majority of all you hard work will go to those that do not want to work for what they want. If you are a Christian read Genesis, even God tells us that we are going to have to work to put food on the table

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wall Street

I am really disappointed with Americans, I believe that we are moving in a direction that is far from the Constitution. Maybe it is time for a new one that lets the Socialist win, so they can see how it will fail. The majority of the people are just falling the stuff they see on TV, they do not reasearch anything. Well, maybe some do. The do not bother to look deeper into the issues and see both sides.

I am happy that the American Gove
rnment was formed the way it was because it prevents idiots that let the media influence them from gaining control. IF they did have the ability to gain control it would be tyranny of the majority. It would kind of be like Iran. One week they enforce a law and than they stop enforcing it the next week. If America ran like that we would be in chaos.

Majority of the people protest
ing, I guarantee, have not taken an economics class and does not know how it works. They do not understand that corportations are the ones that give them the jobs and not the government. IF they regulated the businesses more and taxed them hire then there would be less jobs.

Clearly, it has been proven that Capitalism works, we have been running a capitalistic system since the country was born. It has shown that corporations hire more people then anything else. The government sucks at paying its employees except
their are great benefits. The government has no right to take ownership of a company, that is violating their rights to private property.

Americans need to understand that corporations are private businesses and the government can only tax them. Now if taxes increase than less jobs will be around because they do not have the money to pay for more people. If corporations get increased regulation than more people will lose their jobs.

The solution is to deregulate and not increase taxes, more jobs will be created.

You know the president ask the rich, how much money do you need to live? However, maybe we should decrease your pay to 100,000 every year. You ask this question, but according to the Constitution we have the right to private property, pursue happiness, and liberty. We have the freedom to make as much money as we want and prevent the government from taking away property. We have the right to have success or failure. The Constitution allows Equal Opportunity, but in order to go where you want to go you need to work for what you want in life. IF you do not work for what you want than you do not deserve it. That is how America operates and how it will continue to work.

I work hard every single day to get good grades to get a degree. Eventually, get a high paying job. I work for what I want and others in America should do the same.

If you do not want to work for what you want than stay on government assistance or get the hell out of the country. Go to a country where it is mandatory that businesses shut down for an hour. Go to a country where they pay you since the day that you were born, go there. If you do not like America than leave!!!

You say that you want corporations to come back to America, but you want tax them. Well, if you tax them more they are not going to come back to America. They need incentives to come back to America and taxing them is not going to be one of them.

Monday, October 10, 2011

The Possible Failure of the Jobs Bill is Not Because of Racism

So since the Jobs Bill cannot even get passed in the House of Representatives Al Sharpe-ton and President Obama are now playing the race card!! This not a race issue because if that Jobs Bill were to pass it would help people of all races. Please stop putting race as a factor on everything. I am part white and I cannot get a job, so what does that say? Affirmative Action still plays a large role in society. I have seen it first-hand in many states. For instance, New York there is diverse races groups working.

SO stop playing the race card, it is wrong!!! President Obama wants to blame everyone else for the reason it is not passing and why this economy is failing. However, he should have dealt with the jobs problem first instead of worrying about foreign affairs first. The issue of unemployment should have been dealt with first. Clearly the Stimulus Packet did not benefit the economy and after that failure he should have been focused on another solution.

Taxing the businesses more and the rich people is not going to help the economy. Deregulation is going to help bring the jobs back because business will want to move back to America. Deregulation is going to help the business hire more people because most of their resources are spent dealing with the many regulations. Decreasing the regulations to start a business will help the economy as it has been proven in Hong Kong!!

Obama needs to begin thinking in the long-term to solve the issues. If he stops promoting Capitalism than we will end up like Europe in the gutter. There Socialist plans have failed them. As a result, socialism has caused the banks and the economy to suffer. Do you want that to happen to America in a century?

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Americans do not understand why I Founding Fathers fought for liberty in this country. They do not understand what they did to fight centralized government (the monarchy). They do not understand that we have always wanted to keep our liberty. Do they understand that when you demand on the government to give you economic equality that you are asking the government to take away your rights?

Do Americans understand that some people start business because they believe that it will give them a better life to be happy? Do Americans understand that if it were not for Capitalism that we would have fallen a long time ago? Do Americans understand that the countries that are part of the European Union is failing eco
nomically because of Socialism?

I do not think th
at Americans know what the hell they are protesting. This country has not survived because of the need to put everyone on food stamps. This country has lasted long because of the ability to develop economically and make your own way. America gives everybody an equal starting point. It gives you the choice to be a success or fail. You fail because of you actions not because of what others have. In this country we are taught to work hard for what we want. We are not taught to sit on our butts and expect government to give us things.



Monday, October 3, 2011

Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani Execution

Iran has been known to make false reports on why someone has been arrested. It happens all the time there. This Pastor is being executed because he refuses to give up his Christian faith and they think that he was trying to convert Muslims. However, Iran is saying that he raped someone and committed extortion. In which we know is false.

Some of you may not know how Iran operates. Well, I will let you know. They arrest hundreds of people a year on false charges. Now to get them to admit to the false charges and sign a document they torture them until they comply. They prefer to whip them, beat them, and sometimes not feed them. They like to make sure that they are alive. Then after they get the false confession, they usually kill them silently. Sometimes, the exec
ution is public if they are high crimes and they make sure that people will see what will happen to them if they do not comply to the rules.

This Pastor has been wronged. Now I have never believed that Iran is trying to give them more rights and freedoms. NO, they will not. I would like to believe that they will, but it is not going to happen. One of the reasons it is not going to happen is because there police enforce rules that they feel like enforcing that day or week. One week they will allow women to have slightly heavy make up and than the next week they will get arrested and receive lashes for their punishment.

I honestly think that as Americans and people across the world need to take Iran's promises with a grain of salt. They are not going to fulfill those promises until someone takes the power from Aytollah Sayed Ali Khamenei, Morteza Bakhtiari (Minister of Justice), and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

I pray for his family and the many others that have been harmed by Iran's government. Many people die each year because of the injustice that goes on there. So many people try to leave that country every year because of what goes on. Fellow Christians, we need to keep fighting for what we believe in, no matter what harm comes to us. This Pastor is and was doing his duty for God and we just need to keep fighting.