Wednesday, September 30, 2015

President Obama V. Putin over International Involvement

Summary of Article

This article is about Obama and Putin both critizing one another for involvement in conflicts that hace occurred like Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Ukraine.  Obama is criticizing Putin for supporting the Syrian president and for supporting rebels in the Ukraine.  In addition, he also has criticized him for Annexing Crimea to be part of Russia.  On the other hand, Putin is critizing Obama for his involvement in the Middle East issues like supporting the rebels against President Assad and indirectly issues with Iran, Afghanistan, and Iraq.  


President Obama and Putin are wrong for getting involved in Syria.  They should have let the rebels and the Syrian government duke it out themselves.  That is there problem and if they want to fight let them because it is an internal issue.  Yes there is a problem of refugees, but I guarantee that the war would have been finished if Russia did not supply the Syrian government and the US did not supply the rebels.  In addition, if refugees are causing an issue for those countries then they should be aided with monetary and supplies to help those refugees.  That should be the only involvement in the Syrian issue.  

All in all, I think it is time for countries to stop getting involved with the internal conflicts of other countries.  Russia should have stayed out of the conflict of Ukraine and Syria.  US should have stayed out of the conflict of Syria as well.  On the other hand, we know that the only reasons why countries get involved is because they have interests with those countries.  Putin supports Assad because they share intelligence with one another and they have economical agreements. Russia of course would not want rebels to win because then he will lose an alliance.  US supports the rebels because this will possibly build another alliance either through economical and/or intelligence support.  

It is impossible for anyone to completely stay out of the problems of other countries, but we should try harder.  In addition, if they are going to get involved then it should not be with weapon supplying.  That just creates more issues like death, war, tyranny, and poverty.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Thoughts on 14 Year-Old Arrested For a Clock Mistaken to be a Bomb

I hope all is going well with everyone today.  I haven't been blogging due to life, which we all have to deal with.  However, a news article has got me a little rattled. The linked article is about a teenager who was arrested for a clock that authorities thought was a bomb.  I honestly do think this teenager was arrested based on the fact that he is Muslim.  Fear leads to many innocent people getting arrested or investigated because people think that the color or religion you follow will lead to a terrorist attack.  

In addition, Governor Bobby Jindal contradicts himself in this article because he thinks that no 14 year-old should not be arrested, but he is happy the police are doing their job.  The police are not doing a good job because they did not bother to inspect the clock before arresting him. It is absolutely terrible that they were so quick to rush to judgment because he is Muslim and he is bringing in a clock that they thought could carry a bomb.

Then Governor Jindal goes on to make himself look like a bigger fool by criticizing the Muslim community that they are not doing a better job to denounce violence.  I bet you if researchers did a study on the Muslim community and compared it to another community about their size they would find they commit less crimes.  No one should blame the Muslim community in America for events that are happening across the world unless you can prove that they are funding them.  In addition, funding is rare because the federal government will eventually capture those who do it through extensive investigation.  The risk of being caught is high therefore most will not attempt it.   

Lastly, he turns it into a Christian issue by stating they are facing discrimination.  Everyone faces discrimination and it depends on how you want to handle it.  The clerk deserves to be arrested for not issuing out marriage licenses to gay couples.  It is her job and she should not let her personal beliefs get in the way of her job and if she has got a problem she should have quit. 

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

France having Issue with Uber

Hello, I hope all is going well.  So I just have a quick post about France tripping out over Uber.  Apparently, two managers for Uber were detained for questioning about the service. Taxi cab companies are angry that they do not have the same regulation like taxi companies.  However, I think that they really need to calm down.  They are a cheaper alternative compared to taxi cabs, which benefit those that cannot afford taxis.  

Furthermore, the French Government is having trouble keeping up with regulating companies like Uber, which is typical for any government.  This shows how slow governments are in reality.  

I think that Uber is a good service and it provides a cheaper alternative.  I would much rather have a service like Uber then get hit by a drunk driver.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Russia Up to their Old Ways?

Times of India

Hello All, I hope all is going well.

Russia is up to their old tricks, which are attacking other countries and threatening the United States with nuclear weapons.  I guess Russia forgot that NATO exists and those countries who have agreements with NATO will receive protection.  The United States is supplying weapons and equipment to assist six countries who may face an attack from Russia.  Furthermore, if Russia does decide to attack them then NATO will need to protect those states because they have an agreement with NATO for protection if they are attacked by another country.  Vladimir Putin told others that he was not being aggressive but persistent in their interests.  He is just playing with words because persistent is still being aggressive. 

Russia has no right for invading Ukraine nor do they have any right to invade any other countries.  I think the real problem is Vladimir Putin and he needs to go.  They need to understand that they do not have the right to overtake countries that they let go.  Those are sovereign nations who have the right to protect themselves and request assistance to prevent and/or fight an invasion.  

Putin is acting like a stuck up child who wants what he wants and will risk everything to get it. 

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

The Fight over Religion

Hello, I hope all is going well to those who are reading my blog.

Recently, I have been reading a book called American Dervish and it is about this boy who struggles with his study of his religion, which is Islam.  I have been thinking a lot about religion due to the very nature of this book.  I am a protestant and I tend to be open-minded about studying other religions to understand their beliefs.  

This book has caused me to question a lot of what is going on this world right now with religion and religion in the past.  Right now there is fighting going on between the Sunnis and the Shiites, which is the equivalent to the fighting that occurred between Catholics and Protestants.  It took a long time for Catholics and Protestants to accept that there is no use in fighting over religion because it is difficult to change the way one wants to practice religion for God.  

I sincerely hope that one day the Sunnis and Shiites can live together in peace with one another by accepting that they are going to follow different practices when worshiping Allah.  I think the beginning steps would be for those who are moderate when it comes to religion to stop letting extremists destroy people and their living areas.  They need to take the power from the extremists who are causing all of this destruction.  These extremists are terrible for the people living their locally and internationally because they are destroying peoples lives.  

There will always be conflict when it comes to religion.  There are Protestants and Catholics who fight each other sometimes over religion.  We are never going to get rid of the conflict over religion, but we can reduce the destruction and problems that these extremists are causing by helping moderate believers from both sides gain power.  

We as a world need to learn that the world cannot be all one religion or one set of beliefs when it comes to politics.  We have to learn how to coexist with one another regardless of the conflicting beliefs.  We need to derail extremists, which will lower the destruction that they are causing in this world.  

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Hamas Torturing Palestinians

Hello again, I am really enjoying having more time blogging.  This helps me to express my opinions and allow me to voice my own interpretations of what is happening in the world.  I do not know many to have conversation with or to express my opinion. That is why I love blogging because there may be someone who comes along that have same interests.

Today I will be discussing Hamas and them torturing so called people who are collaborating with Israel.  From the article, it seems that Amnesty International has discovered that Hamas is torturing people in the Gaza Hospital and they claim these people are working with Israelis.  If you view the article you will hear of a story of man and the family having to carry his body.  They smashed all of the bones in his body and when they viewed the back of his head he did not have a brain. 

My personal opinion is that something needs to be done against Hamas either through International Law or someone needs to diminish the ranks of Hamas by attacking and killing them.  It sickens me to see organizations like Hamas take over governments then scare them into submission. Those people have no voice and if they speak out they are suddenly guilty of working with Israel.  A majority of those people just want peace because they do not know if they are going to live to see another day.  Furthermore, they are likely losing family members every single year due to the airstrikes from Israel. Who is causing Israel to conduct airstrikes?  Hamas is causing that because they like to launch rockets and missiles into Israel. 

Yes there are some who advocate that Israel should stop the airstrikes, but they have the right to defend themselves because their people are dying too. Both sides are to blame for their actions and it is their fault why the people are dying.

Gaza should become an international zone because that is going to be the only way to curb most of the violence. 

NATO had Largest Military Exercise

Hello everyone, I hope all is doing well. I wrote this last week, sorry that it is late.

            Today’s blog will be in regards to NATO preparing for a potential war with Russia.  Russia is causing a major issue in international relations, but when have they not?  The Ukraine issue was really the beginning of major issues with them. They sent troops and supplies over an international borderline.  Ukraine was having civil unrest and clashes with protestors.  Russia had no business becoming involved with the conflict.  Instead it seems like they were attempting to annex the Ukraine back into their procession.
            Anyways Russia also conducted exercises and they claim that they are prepared for NATO.  Furthermore, this issue also highlighted concern with China and the United States.  Apparently, the United States has an issue with China building artificial islands in the China Sea.  I will look into the issue further about the artificial islands to discover the real issue.  China is threatening to go to war with the United States if they do not see their demands to stop building the islands. 
            In the end, it could be that all the parties involved in this issue are just all talk and nothing is going to happen.  However, the expectation is that war may commence in the summer.  On the other hand, they may just be creating a spectacle for the media and the people.  Who really knows if they are just talking or will they do anything about it.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Update on Obama’s Immigration Executive Order

Hello, it has been awhile, but school is finally over so I will be able to devote more time to blogging.  Today I am blogging about a recent article that came out in regards to the standing injunction of executing Obama’s executive order.  The Court of Appeals has ruled to support the states with preventing the executive order for immigration from being enforced.  The states are arguing that there will be an economic burden for giving illegals proper paperwork to stay in the country for the time being and to give them licenses.  Economic burden does have legal grounds for states.  Furthermore, the President is circumventing standing laws, which make it illegal to come into the United States.
We all have our opinions and I will express mine whether people like it or not.  First, I do not think that illegals should be given a free pass to stay in this country.  They are hurting those that have come into this country the right way and our getting their citizenship.  They have worked long and hard to be able to go to a citizenship ceremony and proudly say they are Americans.  The problem is that illegals think well if we just come then we can use our children or other means to become residents or citizens.  Which is wrong to do so.
Secondly, I have studied Mexico and South American countries, I have seen and learned that life is not great in those countries. The question is how can we change those countries?  It all begins with the people from within changing their country. Yes, it is not going to be an easy task, but change can happen.  The problem is that people are too scared of their government to fight against them so then they just pop into the next country expecting to deserve the same rights as the people who already live there. They take the easier route rather than fighting hard to change the course of history by taking out the tyrants.  There are countries who would gladly support a revolution against existing governments that they do not like.  Granted they will expect compensation for the weapons and some say when it comes to trading decisions.
 For example, the United States of America would not exist if they did not have the assistance of France.  The revolutionaries were losing and then France came to their aid with weapons and supplies.  Their help change the course of the revolution.  The colonists fought against Britain because they did not want to have a standing army to knock down the colonists if they were not obeying.  They could not bear arms and they could not freely express themselves.  Over 200 years we still have those rights and we would not have gotten those rights if they had not fought against the British.

All in all, I understand why people come to this country illegally because they want a better life and to send money to love ones in their home countries.  However, at the same time running away is not solving the problem.  One day their children may want to live in Mexico or wherever they came from, but the situation is not going to change.  Stop running away and begin changing the country.  It does not half to be a full out change it can start in increments.  Beginning with towns, to cities, to counties, to states, and finally the whole country.  It takes time to make a country better for the people, but it is worth it in the end.  Stick to the cause and continue fighting until it changes.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Angola Blood Diamonds

Hello, it has been awhile since my last post.  So my blog post for today is about Blood Diamonds.  Information that I have read about comes from the above link from BBC News and opinions are from myself.  It has been reported that the United States is Angola's second trader and the first is China.  The United States obviously gets some oil and definitely diamonds.  Therefore, the United States government ignores the problem that is occurring in that country as well as international organizations.  There are over 90% of the people living in the slums in Angola.

While the majority of the country is poor the rich are enjoying their lives.  There is no middle class in Angola, only poor and rich. These people cannot even afford watermelons ($100) or chicken ($200) because it is too expensive.  The only thing that is reasonably priced is beer which is under a dollar.  The government figures that alcohol and offering free entertainment will keep them from revolting.  So far it is working, they will offer free things (exception of food) before a schedule protest and then it suddenly turns pro-government.  

These people should raise in mass to fight against there government. Somehow they should either gather weapons or seek help from the international community.  However, the government is killing and imprisoning the people who protest, but the only way things are going to change is if lives are sacrificed for the greater good.

Lastly, our dear government should think about doing something either by being vocal or cutting down trade.  If President Obama is all about helping other people and being vocal about injustice then he needs to be vocal against Angola.  On the other hand, trade is more important to the United States then being vocal against that type of government.  Something needs to be done.  

Monday, February 2, 2015

Sex Offenders Video

Hello to everyone

So I have not been blogging for awhile due to school and working, but I hope everyone is doing well.  

So I am going to start off by telling you that I am going to school for my Master's in Criminal Justice and currently I am taking a class called 'Sex Offenders and Sex Crimes."  This is a really interesting class because you learn from the views of offenders and victims.  In addition, history and society views.  

For my class this week our professor assigned us to watch a video called "Our America-State of Sex Offenders (Lisa Ling)

This video highlights the issues of victims and mostly sex offenders.  It was a very powerful film about sex offenders must live in Florida.  That some of these laws are ways to keep people in prison or to keep them away from society in the woods.  

There are always going to be criminals re-offending and it happens to be that sex offenders are the ones to be the least worried about and if you want me to provide you sources, I can provide that to you.  These laws seem to be doing more harm than good.  Lastly, it is those who have not been caught are the ones that are the most concern.

I encourage you to watch this video to open your eyes.  I have been a victim myself, but I do not let that dictate my logic.  These offenders are humans too and they should not have to live in the woods to survive, they should be able to find employment and housing too.  If they cannot then the state needs to build homes to help them live and get back on their feet.