Sunday, July 24, 2011

Conspiracy Theorists and the Planet Nibiru


One thing that I have noticed about conspiracy theorists is that the stories that they tell and their predictions always change. This so called "planet" or "comet" is not going to hit earth. By the way people are stupid to believe those conspiracy theorists on YouTube or online because they do not know if they are a credible source of information. I think that if these people believe what they are saying is stupid because they do not go to search if the real scientists believe those arguments.

I am happy that in this article the scientists are speaking out about the conspiracy theorists because they know it is not true and they have the research to prove it. There is no planet called Nibiru and it is not going to crash into the earth and destroy this planet. Also there is no way that a comet could cause an earthquake to happen when it comes close to the earth called Elenin. Also Elenin is not suppose to be coming anywhere near Earth. In the article, the theorists said that it will be directed to crash into the US because there is a UFO directing it to earth.

I think that the theorists are ridiculous, they change their stories so many times it is retarded. Also if there are any Christians that are believing in this then they need to read the Bible.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

These Hackers

I am really starting to think that people that are hacking into NATO and other agencies is really stupid. One, is that they do not realize that treason is a high offense in any country. Some still grant the death penalty and others will be more sympathetic and give them life. However, I think that they deserve death for what they are doing. IF they really claim that they have the information than they will likely get some offers from enemy nations and than attempt to sell it. I really do not like these hackers. It is not something to be proud of because you are putting millions and millions of lives at risk for what you are doing. You are hurting the nations stability/

I really hate hackers that are hacking from there own nations. You put the life of other people at risk for the sake of hacking into nation's security for fun and hoping to expose something. I hope that these hackers are found and put in jail and than sentenced to death for what they have done

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Newt Gingrich

Alright I am all down for the Republicans that are running in the next election. However, Newt Gingrich needs to drop out of the presidential race. Not only is his campaign in debt, but so many people working for him have resigned in his campaign crew. Also he is trailing all the other Republicans in the campaign.

I feel bad for the guy, but taking commercial flights instead of private flights is not going to knock down the price of campaigning. In fact, the cost will grow more and more as it gets closer to the election.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Get Over It

China has some nerve being upset at Obama for having the Dalai Lama coming to meet with him. Seriously, get over it. Obama clearly does not support the Tibetans trying to separate from you. If he did than he would have said that they recognize them as a country and would have sent troops to help them fight. You know that North Korea is in good relations with China and I have not seen us whining against those good relations. The Dalai Lama clearly did not come over to the United States to discuss how to save his people from China. He came to the US to celebrate a Buddhist holiday in which he has the right to.

Another thing is that the Dalai Lama should be allowed to and is expressing his sympathy for the Tibetans. China has treated them very cruelly over the decades as they have for many people that have opposed them. It is not w
rong to express some kind of sympathy for them. They burn themselves up to support their cause.

However, I do agree with the Tibetans that China does need to get out of Tibet because they are illegally occupying the place. Their revolution will eventually happen, but it will only happen when China gets weaker or another country helps their cause. See China gave them false hope that they would leave and than they lied. I do not think that there has been a government that is completely honest to their people.

I am not surprised that China lied to them, but they know that they have no right to be there.

I Feel Like...

I feel like I am criticize on a daily basis
I feel like the only gift that God gave me is my intelligence
I feel like I can never give an employer what she or he wants
I sometimes feel like people think that I am way to compromising
I sometimes feel like I am the only one trying to find my way back to some well-established morals and virtues
I sometimes feel like I am always under attack, that there is no one in this world that can agree with me
I feel like I would make a good judge or even a Supreme Court judge because when I watch cases I try to look at it from an unbiased standpoint
Unfortunately that would qualify me for jury duty, hopefully that no one that is in charge of jury duty reads this
I feel like our dear government can come to a compromise, but they are too worried about their political careers
I feel like Mike Hukabee (i think he said it) that career politicians are bad, too busy worrying about their career
I feel like America has driven away from the core values of the Constitution and need to come back to it fast before the nation is ruined
I feel like some Americans do not understand that America is unique and that we should not try to be like any other nation, but have our own identity

This was an exercise to help me get to sleep. I do not expect pity remarks especially from the top I feel likes. These are some of things that are on my mind. Also another thing that is on my mind and growing bigger in my mind is that stupid election, just kidding the election isn't stupid haha

Friday, July 8, 2011

American Plurality

Now I would like to clarify some of my blogs before I get onto the subject
  1. My blog is of my opinions, yes there are going to be some things that you do not agree with and there might be some things that do not make sense to you, but it does to me because it is my thoughts.
  2. Views are going to differ and you are just going to have to deal with it or do not read it at all.
  3. I do like the fact that America did get Osama Bin Laden, it is just sometimes you got to question how they did it, that does not hurt. People need to look at the process too and not just the results. The end does not justify the means, I am just sayin.

Okay so if you are wondering why I am began with this, it is because someone had a problem with my blog because I do not agree with him in political matters. So that brings me to the title of this post "American Plurality." What I mean by this is that America composes of a diverse sets of minds, people, and ideas. We are not going to agree with each other all the time and some people just do not know how to accept that. I do not agree with the left-wing people and they do not agree with me and that is fine. However, I am not going to get into a stupid debate on trying to convince them that I am right. We both could be right in different ways.

I think that one of the goals of the Founding Fathers was to let us have the freedom to be able to differ in opinions without being persecuted for it and hence why we have the freedom to practice different religions. They saw that back in the day England would burn people for heresy if they did not agree with the religion at the time and they would behead or quarter people for high treason if they differed with the monarchy that the time.

The Founding Fathers desired us to live in a country where different opinions are allowed to exist without persecution from the GOVERNMENT!! Now the law and judges will handle the people that persecute other people for their opinions. I am proud and happy to live in AMERICA because I can say what I want and when I want to. Now if my opinion does not agree with yours then you will have to deal and get over it.

There are two sides to every argument and if you do not agree that is fine with me.