Thursday, August 25, 2011

This Makes Me Laugh

I think that some people forget that there is a big difference in being confident and arrogant. Just because you are arrogant does not mean that you have confidence. Just because you have confidence does not make you arrogant. Arrogant people make me laugh because truly the people that have the arrogance are trying to hide something from the world. Usually, what they are trying to hide is their weakness and/ or their feelings.

When you have confidence you are just happy with who you are and what you look like it. However, arrogant people act like they are confident when in reality they are trying to hide something from their friends and the world. Arrogant people make themselves look stupid, but I feel bad for them because they have not accepted who they are.

People think that I am weak because I am not happy with myself yet. However, eventually I will become a confident person, but it will take time. The arrogant ones are the people that we should feel bad for because they have not accepted themselves and deny that anything is wrong with them.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Life is at a Standstill

So I am not going to University of Minnesota this semester and I might not even go next semester. So it looks like I might be staying in-state for college, I am not happy about that. the good thing with my prolong departure is that I might get a job, I have an interview this week. Hopefully, I get the job. Life can be so unpredictable sometimes. Just when you think something will work out, it doesn't. You got one problem solved, another arises. I hope that this does not continue for college. Luckily, there was some extra money to go to school and take a Chinese class. For sure I am taking summer school and I am going to overload on school to make my deadline

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

One of Those Nights...

It is one of those nights that you cannot fall Asleep. I can't fall asleep because I am thinking about the future and how every time I try to proceed with my life, I can't. I probably should have stayed at King's, but if I did I would be putting a strain on myself financially and I could not do what I want. Arizona State University is another option but I think that I would have loathed that place for some reason. For some reason, I just do not want to go there. I want to go to the University of Minnesota, but every time I try to go something bad happens. I do not know what to do anymore, I simply hate the circumstances that I am in.

I cannot get a job and I cannot get to where I want to go, I am starting to think that my intelligence and the life I have lived was and is a waste. I feel like no one can accept me for me. I am smart and that is the only thing that is going for me. I do not know what there is to do. I apply and apply for jobs, but no one hires me. Things look like they are going to happen for me, but it never happens.

What is the point of me having intelligence if I cannot use it?

I think I am hitting rock bottom and I am way to young to get there, but whose to say that is not possible.

I guess the only two things I can do is pray and keep applying.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Finally Someone that Speaks the Truth

I am so happy to be able to finally read an article that speaks the truth. The President and the Congress are both to blame for the reason why there is still a high unemployment percent. They made a big deal about the debt ceiling while Wall Street is suffering. This article talks about how employers and Wall Street are not able to expand because they have no confidence in the government resolving the issues. Obama has not reassured us that everything is going to be fine. If the government has no hope than the people are not going to have a hope. As a result, of no hope, no one is going to spend. Also no one is going to hire new people.

I have been trying to find a job since I graduated from high school and I have only had two temporary jobs. That is better than some, but I need a stabl
e income and I cannot get that if no one is hiring.

The President and Congress are the ones to blame for their being no jobs not Wall Street. Whether we like to admit it or not those people on Wall Street work hard for their money as we all should do. This country was built on hard work, earning your way to make a living. However, during the times we have become more dependent
on the government to resolve the issues and take over our responsibilities.

We should try to work for our money and I want to work for money.
Right now I am living off of my mom and I hate it so much. I want to go to school and work at the same time, but the only thing I am doing is going to school. No one will hire me and I am stuck. If the government gets their out of their butts than we can solve these issues, and get rid of the party lines and work together.

The government should ease the restrictions on business and get those unions to stop taking advantage of city governments and corporate. So they can do their jobs to get more workers, I am not asking to get rid of unions, but they need to reel them in.

The President and the Congress need to realiz
e that they are going to have to compromise. IF you want to increase taxes on the corporations and rich than you are going to have to lesson the regulations on them a bit.

Please lets get over the party lines and compromise because you are hurting Americans on both sides, we are tired of suffering!!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

I feel like America is on a repeat pattern minus the Cold War

I was very much attempted to put a picture of Jimmy Carter and Obama right next to each other. The reason why is because they are carrying the very same policies in regards to taxes, rich, and the oil companies.

They are similar in taxes because Jimmy Carter had the taxes increased on the rich and than inflation happened. Obama wants to do a nice big increase on the wealthiest in America and cover up loop holes to make them equal to paying the taxes. However, they do pay plenty in taxes and if he wants to see the economy get out of the crap whole than he is going to have to do a small increase. However, does Obama know how much us the middle-class get in tax loopholes to and many get their money back after taxes have been filed.

If he wants to increase the taxes than he needs to do it gradually. Otherwise, inflation goes up and that really affects the middle-class. The middle-class helps run the economy because they are the ones that spend and work. The middle-class are the main consumers and if you have increase inflation than the consumers stop spending. Now we do not want that to happen.

Obama wants to deal with the oil companies and be a little ruthless towards them. However, if you are going to increase how much they need to pay than they are going to cut jobs and increase the price on gas. In which we do know that the wealthiest and high middle class are the ones that can afford electric power cars and not the poor. Once again the consumers (middle-class) is going to be affected.

By the way the people that are going to be most affected by the increase in taxes and dealing with the oil companies is the poor. If you increase taxes than the poor get affected by either cut hours, loss of jobs, or increase in prices.

I think that the best option for the United States is to deal with the problem of medicare and social security. In which they cut into the budge more than the military. Social Security and Medicare take up 2/3 of the budget. Want to know why that happened? It happened after the government first enacted the reforms of Franklin D. Roosevelt, they began to take the money collected and use it on other government issues. So really they need to deal with that, it is the reason why the United States has such a big debt.

Gradual increase in taxes on the rich will help with the situation too. Increase taxes and than get to a maximum point and than gradually decrease the taxes than do it all over, which is Euler curve.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Easy A

Okay so this was just on my mind. I love the movie Easy A, simple as that!! This whole time I was wondering why I was watching this movie on repeat. Then I realized the reason why I like it so much is because it conveys a wonderful moral message.

Now some people just see this as mere entertainment and it is so funny. It is funny, but it has a serious message. I love this movie because it is supposed to be one of tho
se movies that is similar to the book The Scarlet Letter by Nathanial Hawthorne. Easy A does depict the woman that is scorned by others and have no place judging her. We all do a lot of judging on others and we sometimes do not realize how much it hurts until it happens to us.

She is called a whore and a slut because she lied about having sex with someone. However, in The Scarlet Letter she actually did have sex, but they do not know who it is and she has a baby as the result of cheating on her husband. She is scorned, but in the end she is redeemed. People realize that all the judging that they did to her was wrong after she dies. She is ultimately redeemed in heaven by God, if it was a real story. Easy A actually does have a redeeming factor, she is alive when it happens. The people that hurt her the most realize that they were too quick to judge and that spreading lies really does hurt people.

I think the writers and producers decided to do it as a comedy because they did not want it to be a flop. If people look closer and see the underlying meaning than people might think more about other peoples feelings.

On the other hand, this world is never going to be perfect and I have accepted that reality. However, I think that a wonderful movie idea would be one that depicts a girl that wants to remain a virgin until she is married because now people mock other people for wanting to keep their virginity. People mock others for wearing clothes that cover up their bodies. Maybe they should do a movie that depicts exactly the opposite. Not all people mock others for keeping their virginity and their clothing, but lately it seems that way.

This of course is from my perspective and things may be different in other areas or you have a different opinion :)