Thursday, September 29, 2011

Not Every Act that Congress Passes is Applicable to Each State

I was sitting in my politics class and I have sort of a revelation. I understand that the federal government passes acts to benefit us. However, some acts do not help other states. For instance, No Child Left Behind. This act may have helped kids that were falling behind in some states, but it hurt the other states. Some states have bigger problems than education. For instance, some states have immigration issues. They have their resources being used up by people that do not pay for those resources. Other states may have issues with unemployment. There are states that are in terrible economic conditions. Take Michigan for example they haven't and still do not have the best economy. Many people have moved from Michigan to Arizona because they think they can get jobs here.

I think that the federal government needs to begin looking at the smaller picture. Another way to help states more effectively is to give them block grants to help fix some of their problems.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Crazy Republicans

This guy had the nerve to say that he does not want any crazy Republicans running the country. I guess he is really scared that Republicans might actually win the race. Who is to say that some of Obama's ideas were not crazy. I clearly understand where this guy stands. He is a close-minded individual that will never be able to see a middle ground. James Carville will always be negative towards the other party. At least I may be a Republican, but I want to see the benefits of both sides and that bad parts of ideas.

He is like some of t
hose Republicans and Democrats that do not want to compromise so that they could help the American people. He is clearly a portrait of the narrow-minded individuals in office that are hurting our nation. Put aside the thoughts of your campaign to be re-elected and start thinking about the citizens. If people do not re-elect you, you need to let them know that what you did was for the best interest of America. We need to start having term limits on the Representatives and the Senators.

By the way Republicans will fire right back at you James Carville for ignorantly attacking the Republicans the way you did. You obviously have no sense in what you said and how politically incorrect you were you idiot. I have some arguments that I would love to present to a narrow-minded guy like you. At least I can see in the middle of things.

Monday, September 12, 2011

American National Government

Some of you may know that I am taking American National Government to pass the time. Also a college did not accept my AP credit so I am just taking it in case I go there. However, their some lovely thing that I learned today. As I am reading my government book, I begin to feel a little bad. I blamed poor FDR for so many things when actually part of the problem stems today from the dear Supreme Court.

Okay let me begin I think the New Deal was a good idea in some ways, but some of the programs during that time brought us back into the depression. Thanks to World War II ( I am not happy about the lives that got lost in the war or h
appy that it occurred) it got us out and when we were assisting Britain before we entered the war. However, the Supreme Court is somewhat to blame for the reason we are in a "Welfare State" at the moment. They helped contribute by judging in some cases where the National Government gains superiority. Also a judge name Fiske, I believe, stated that the 10th was irrelevant. However, in 1990s the Supreme Court tried to clean up their mess of late by devolution.

As you have noticed in the last few days, people are really worried about Europe stocks at the moment. Now let me tell y
ou that in a decade or two we are going to be seeing exactly that or maybe even in three decades. We are going to be likely in a Social Welfare State, namely Socialism. Maybe we will not be full out Socialist for another 100 years. I think it is going to happen. Unless, we do something about it and stop the expansion of the government.

Europe is not producing enough to keep up with the financial costs of their social welfare plans. That is why they may need to deregulate a little bit and allow their businesses to thrive. Meaning they need to develop new types of products and export to other countries. U.S. will see this problem in the future if they do not get it together. Deregulate a little bit and allow businesses to patent new products and produce them. They will see a growth in jobs and money flow to the people. Then we will not need the government to issue tax cuts or stimulus packets. America could learn from Hong Kong because Americans and others like to go their to get business going. There are so many regulations here in America that it prevents an increase in smaller business and allow them to get bigger. For instance John Stossal interviewed several people that began business in Hong Kong and they succeeded. Why? The succeeded because of low regulations to get business going and maintain one.

That is what America needs to do to create jobs or we are in the crap whole for a long time. We need to stop depending on the federal government to do everything for us and they need to limit their powers and hand it over to the state.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sept 11, 2011

This is a day that people should put their differences aside and come together for what happened 10 years ago.  However, there are some people that are not willing to do that.  For instance, I saw someone put up the death counts in the middle east and then compare it to ours.  Are life should not be about the numbers.  First of all those people are killed by their own terrorists and people forget that. Majority of the civilian deaths have been from terrorists, so stop blaming the soldiers for all of them.  Innocent people will die in war and we cannot prevent that unless we make a few battlefields in clearings to prevent that.  However, the terrorists do not fight like that, they fight like the North Koreans and the Vietnamese did back in the Cold War.  They fight by ambushing, throwing bombs, hidden bombs. They do not fight the traditional way. 

So stop blaming the soldiers for all the deaths that have occurred.  Terrorists do not care who they kill just as long as they win and they get their point across. Their point that they are getting across is that they hate Western society and they want everyone to be under an Islamist rule.  Terrorists need to be punished for killing their people and others.  Terrorists like Al -Qaeda and the Taliban have no borders and they will go anywhere to get their point across and kill as many westerners as possible.  that is why they need to be stopped.

So when we mourn who we have lost we need to be strong for those families and for our nation.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Could See this coming between Israel and Egypt

I Knew that something was going to occur in Egypt. Egypt was never really happy when they signed the peace treaty after they got their butts handed to them in the war. Do Egyptians really think that they are strong enough to handle Israel at the moment?  I do not think that they are because they are in the middle of their revolution.  I think that they need to settle it down because Israel will defeat them if the peace treaty comes to an end.  Egypt does not have their priorities right at the moment.  They need to first deal with the establishment of their country.  I do not know if the damaging to the Embassy was part of The Muslim Brotherhood dealings, but they need to calm down (by the way I do not hate Muslims or people that follow the Islamic Religion).

I know that Israel and Egypt will deal with their problems like countries do either with diplomacy or war.  They are both capable of fighting by themselves and handling the situation.  We all know that this is not going to be a long drawn out war and they will do what they need to do to have victory.

Aside for the whole Egypt and Israel situation, I think that the US and other countries should butt out of the peace negotiations. They are obviously not going to help them the resolve their issues.  Another thing, Obama needs to think about the pros and the cons before breaking ties with Israel.  I do not think that it is the United Nations or United States business putting their noses in Palestine and Israel's problems. It is their fault why they are in this mess, they should have thought about the long-term problems before they created Israel's borders.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Collective Bargaining

So I get that unions want collective bargaining and President Obama. However, I do not think that unions should hold all of the powers.  Unions should not be trying to run businesses.  First, it is not their business, it is the owners.  Secondly, the owners need to have a say in how much someone should be paid.  Thirdly, unions need to realize where they stand in the situation.  Unions think they are entitled to complete control over the wages of workers and the benefits they receive. However, they do not need complete control because it can hurt the business.  What if the corporations need to make a slight cut in pay in order to keep the business? What if they need to lay off workers or hike the prices because they are not allowed to subtract some of the workers pay? Employers need to have options on what they can do to keep their business alive.

Sometimes they need to cut pay and keep prices low.  So that people will stay employed and people keep buying.  That is a great solution. However, unions won't have that kind of talk because they are too busy with their own self-interests instead of looking at the bigger picture.  No wonder why there are no jobs here in America.  Unions do not want to negotiate a slight wage cut instead they rather have people laid off and have higher prices.

Probably the real problem in America is some of the unions. They are the ones that would rather see people laid off than a slight decrease in pay.  I understand that a few cents could hurt someone. However, would you rather see yourself laid off or a few cents cut off?