Tuesday, January 24, 2012

France Passed the Law Dealing with the Armenian Genocide

Let me say this Turkey needs to own up to what they have done a century ago. However, my interpretation of this comes from my perspective. Here in America if we made it a crime to deny anything that the government wants us to accept it would be deemed unconstitutional. France is different then America and they do not have the same protections as we do. On the other hand, France did direct this legislation towards Turkey and now they are going to be hurt by the sanctions that are going to be put into place and the other sanctions that will come into play in the future. Turkey needs to acknowledge that what they did was wrong.

France passed a law making it a crime to deny the Armenian Genocide. If you do then you are to spend up to a year in jail and pay 45,000 fine. That figure I did not convert to Euros. That is more then getting caught drunk driving.

You know I knew that this was going to happen that they would pass the law. However, this goes against everything the French have stood for in recent years. They passed the Declaration of Human Rights in the UN. There they protect freedom of speech in the declaration. They are violating the rights of free speech by not allowing anyone that believes it did not happen. Some are never going to believe. Many people still think the Holocaust did not happen even though their are thousands of documents that prove it had happened. Example, President Ahmadinejad of Iran he does not believe it happened.

I do think that Turkey needs to stop denying it. However, I think that they choose to forget about it because they see it as a terrible time in history. They choose to forget, they just do not want to deal with it. I think it is partially because many of them were given the stolen goods of the Armenians when they were deported from their towns. I think they feel that the earlier generations of the whole society was responsible and they just do not want to deal with it.

I do think that they need to own up to it. On the other hand, France needs to stop thinking that they are better then everyone because they have plenty of history where they killed massive amounts of people. For instance, in the French Revolution, they executed many of the aristocrats. They also led a war against the Protestants and the Protestants led a war too. The Crusades were pretty bad to, they had their own jihad against people of the Islamic Faith.

France is not totally innocent nor is the United States. I am not a representative of the US and I am not arguing for the US. I am just an individual who thinks that France has got some nerve to place judgment and forgo the freedom of speech just so they can make a statement. By making this law you are likely going to inhibit recognition and you are going to make it bad for the Armenians again. You are not making it any easier on both sides of the issue.

Another thing, France where were you when the genocide happened? You had the opportunity to help the Armenians, but you chose to ignore it. You could have invaded the Ottoman Empire and helped the Armenians. You could have influenced trials to be held and make them stick when it came time to deal with Turkey after the end of the war. The only country that really tried to help was England. You could have helped, but you ignored it just like the United States did. You could have told Turkey that part of their defeat was that they will have to punish those that hurt the Armenians.

You did nothing before, why are you trying to now? Do you feel that you are responsible for the Genocide because you did nothing before?

Monday, January 23, 2012

Iranian Journalists




I do not think that the Iran will ever stop arresting its journalists in the country. Goodness they are cracking down on freedom of the press in the country. Usually it is to stop people from broadcasting all the evil that is happening in the country. They keep arresting people, that is what happens in an authoritarian government.

They love to suppress the people because if they know that it gets out what they are doing to the people then they will need to be held accountable. In Iran they torture people and whip people in the jails. I think that something needs to be done about Iran. The people can leave the country if they want, but sometimes it is hard to get out of the country. Especially, if they want to keep watch of you to make sure that you do not try to get them in international trouble.

Most of the journalists that get arrested is because they are reformists and/or they are speaking out against the atrocities of the police and the government.

I pray that the people continue to battle it out with the government and they do not give up. The articles that I have provided you state what is going on in Iran right now. They arrest the most journalists in the world. They are trying to crackdown on journalists because of speaking out against the government. Also they are arresting human rights lawyers. They usually defend the journalists in कोर्ट

इरान नीड्स तो स्टॉप पेर्सेचुतिंग थे जौर्नालिस्ट्स। थे ओनली दो आईटी बेकाउसे थे अरे त्र्यिंग तो हिदे सोमेथिंग.

Joe Paterno and the Westboro Baptist Church

So the Westboro Baptist Church has decided that they are going to picket his funeral. It is there right to do what they want and say what they want. They say that he is going to hell for the child molestation and abuse that he has committed against those little boys. How do you know that he is going to hell? What if he believes in God and has asked God to forgive him for the crimes that he has committed? What gives you the right to predict his damnation? He is to be judged by God and only God.

The church that I go to is to love people for who they are and accept them for who they are. I may not agree that homosexuality is the right way to live, but that is what I believe. I have plenty of friends that are homosexuals, if they want to do what they want to do that is fine.

Joe Paterno was wrong for what he did, but I will let God be the judge of him. I think that the pastor and the whole church community should look at themselves before judging others. Even my statement is a contradiction because I know that I judge others too I try not to, but we all do it either voluntarily or involuntarily.

I think that Westboro is a little bit on the extreme.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Occupy the Courts?

So you now want to occupy the courts?

Well they are occupying the courts because the Supreme Court allowed companies to donate to political campaigns. However, did you know that companies donate to both Democrats and Republicans? Did you know that labor unions still donate to the Republican campaigns too? If you take a Government class and few more politics you will see that. My professor showed us statistics on PACs that donated to both Republicans and Democrats and it showed that they like to donate to both even when they are running against one another.

Americans forget that there two sides to the story. Corporations if they donate are going to likely donate to both types of candidates. This is the problem with America they think that everything is one sided. Labor unions when they form PACs, they do donate to both sides.

Not everything is black and white as people would like to think. There is plenty of gray when it comes to campaign contributions.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Armenian Genocide

The people that killed the Turkish-Armenian Journalist trial info: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-16632890

Frances Bill to make it illegal to deny the genocide ever occurred: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-16407046

So the Armenian Genocide has been popping up over the news lately. Honestly, France and Turkey both need to cut it out.

1. The Armenian Genocide did happen, so stop denying it Turkey. Talaat Pasha even admitted that he was doing and he did not deny it. The only ones that were denying it was the Germans because that was their ally during World War I. Turkey you need to own up that it did happen, there is plenty of evidence. Obviously, the generations that are alive now cannot be punished for a crime that their forefathers committed.

2. France you helped draft the UN Human Rights and with this law you are going to violate the very thing that you help create. How in the world do you think that you are justified to make it illegal to deny the genocide. Their is always going to be people that do not believe that the genocide ever happen. You are denying their free speech and you are wrong for that. I am happy that Turkey has got relations to you, why are you continuing to try and punish those that do not believe it happen.

I think that both sides are coming at the Armenian Genocide wrong. Turkey needs to own up to it and France needs to not violate the right to free speech. I think that we need to remember the past so that we do not repeat acts of genocide. However, do not try to punish the current population for what occurred a century ago.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012



Like I said I was going to do I am going to talk about Nigeria. I know that it has been about a month since the Christian church bombings. However, I have something to say.

The Christians got attacked on Christmas day and a number of people did die during those blasts. Then the Christians retaliated by bombing an Islamic school.

I think that both sides are wrong for trying to hurt one another over their religious beliefs. No one should attack a church or a school, it is wrong for both sides. They should not try to harm one another. Definitely Christians should not do it because God would never want us to hurt one another like that. I know that every religion and one point in time has killed many people in the name of God. For instance, The Crusades.

I know the world is not perfect, but Jesus would never have wanted us to try to kill one another.

By the way, I acknowledge that there is not going to be complete peace on this earth and there is always going to someone killing another, I know that. However, you can try to better the world, but perfection will not be achieved.